From Monday, that's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Hardworking Louisa Loveluck."
This is from Vanessa Beeley's piece at UNLIMITED HANGOUT:
Sean Penn established Community Organised Relief Effort (CORE) in January 2010 in response to the earthquake that devastated the island of Haiti that same year. Formerly called the J/P Haitian Relief Organisation, CORE claims that “our life-saving programs revolve around building healthier and safer neighbourhoods to mitigate the scale of devastation caused by disaster.”
What CORE fails to mention is that the destabilisation and eradication of Haitian culture, heritage, communities and self-sufficiency began long before the earthquake of 2010. It might have something to do with the funding that CORE receives from USAID, a CIA power expansion agency, and Penn’s close relationship with the Clintons whose foundation has been instrumental in the “rapacious role of US imperialism in that impoverished semi-colonial country.”
Penn declines to mention that Clinton, Bush and Obama have the blood of Haitians on their hands or that Clinton and Bush were deeply involved in “perpetuating the poverty, backwardness and repression in Haiti” that exacerbated the crisis in January 2010 that Penn responded to.
According to journalist, Patrick Martin:
“Clinton took office in the immediate aftermath of the military coup which ousted Haiti’s first democratically elected president, the populist cleric Jean-Bertrand Aristide. That coup was backed by the administration of Bush’s father, who saw Aristide as an unwanted and potentially dangerous radical.”
The Clinton’s influence on the island of Haiti has been one of unmitigated predation and political piracy – a legacy entirely ignored by Penn, who endorsed Hilary Clinton in the 2016 elections and who visited the imperialism-stricken island with robber baron, Bill Clinton, in 2015. Penn appears to be blissfully ignorant of the scandal surrounding the Clinton response to the 2010 earthquake that left the already scavenged island in tatters.
The Clintons stepped up to lead the global response to the Haiti earthquake. At President Obama’s request, Clinton and George W. Bush created the “Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund,” and began “aggressively fundraising around the world to support Haiti”. The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) selected Bill Clinton as its co-chair. Hillary Clinton was still Secretary of State and was therefore responsible for funnelling USAID “relief” funding to Haiti. A whopping $ 13.3 billion was pledged by international donors to allegedly rebuild Haiti and to restore dignity to the lives of the forcibly impoverished Haitian people. Unsurprisingly, the IHRC response was mired in controversy and accusations of embezzlement levied against the Clintons who, effectively, held the purse strings of the incoming donations.
The IHRC collected and estimated $ 9.9 billion in three years but the deplorable misery and poverty that Haitians endure did not improve. It is widely believed that the Clintons cynically robbed and destroyed Haiti for their own gain. Haitian author, journalist, and historian, Dady Chery, expressed the general view thus:
“In 2016, by all estimates, the cost of the US presidential elections doubled or quadrupled to about $5-10 billion. This is the most expensive presidential bid in history, and Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald Trump. Where did the money come from?”
Rather than express outrage at the Clinton potential involvement in defrauding the people of Haiti, Penn continued a campaign of genuflection to the Clintons. In 2015, at a Haiti benefit event, Penn introduced Bill Clinton as a “once-in-a-generation leader with laser focus, immense curiosity, courage and compassion that can be unequivocally measured by sustainable benefits and the improvement of so many lives around the world.”
During his twenty minute speech, Clinton praised Penn for his work in Haiti and encouraged the star-studded audience to contribute to what is now CORE by stating that “you will never contribute to an organisation that will give you a higher probability of having your good intentions turned into real positive changes in other people’s lives”. The hypocrisy oozed from every honeyed word.
Also present at the fundraising gala was sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer who was sentenced to 23 years in prison for first-degree criminal sexual acts and third-degree rape earlier this year. This will connect to the other two men on the beach (i.e. Jack Dorsey and Vivo Nevo) in Part 2.
In 2012, Hillary Clinton’s aides lavished praise on Penn who had just received the 2012 “Peace Summit Award” from former Soviet Union President, Mikhail Gorbachev, for his work in Haiti. A number of media reports pointed out that the email address had been redacted but was listed as “CIA”.
Whether Penn participated knowingly in the imperialist rape of Haiti or was nothing more than a useful celebrity idiot who served the agenda of the Clinton/Bush vulture policy is a question for serious debate. Penn certainly didn’t slum it when travelling to Haiti. HRO or CORE paid out more than $ 126,000 in first class flights in 2013. This luxury travel was justified by Penn’s celebrity status and “consideration for his safety”.
Penn’s close relationship with the Clintons also apparently brought him into the nefarious orbit of child-sex provider and elite blackmailer, Jeffrey Epstein. It has been claimed that Penn was on the guest list of an intimate dinner between Epstein’s under-age girl procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Clinton in 2014.
Closing with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Tuesday, December 8, 2020. More evidence that Team Biden isn't up to the job of creating a new administration comes as more protests rock Iraq.
Tara Reade is an American woman who came forward to explain that she was harassed and assaulted while working for Joe Biden's senate office in the 90s. Among those she sought out in the last year and a half? Then-Senator Kamala Harris. Kamala and Dianne Feinstein were Tara's two US senators. Were. Kamala will be sworn in next month as vice president -- barring some unforeseen upset. (The electoral college votes December 14th. Once they vote, it's over.)
Tara reached out to Kamala. Kamala did nothing. Is that really a surprise? It may have been to Tara because there's a moment in Kamala's story that's not really known. It'll be more widely known now. Cedric's "Kamala Harris part of the work place harassment system" and Wally's "THIS JUST IN! KAMALA HARRIS BUILDING THE #ME TOO MOVEMENT ONE VICTIM AT A TIME!" notes that Joe Biden plans to nominate Xavier Becerra to be Secretary of Health and Human Services. Xavier has a Kamala connection. He settled a lawsuit -- paying the survivor $400,000 -- against Larry Wallace. Wallace has harassed a woman working for Kamala. Wallace worked for Kamala. It gets worse.
Alexie Koseff (SACRAMENTO BEE) reported:
A longtime top staff member of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris resigned Wednesday after The Sacramento Bee inquired about a $400,000 harassment and retaliation settlement resulting from his time working for Harris at the California Department of Justice.
Larry Wallace, who served as the director of the Division of Law Enforcement under then-Attorney General Harris, was accused by his former executive assistant in December 2016 of “gender harassment” and other demeaning behavior, including frequently asking her to crawl under his desk to change the paper in his printer.
The lawsuit was filed on Dec. 30, 2016, when Harris was still attorney general but preparing to be sworn in as California’s newly elected Democratic senator. It was settled less than five months later, in May 2017, by Xavier Becerra, who was appointed to replace her as attorney general.
By that time, Wallace had transitioned to work for Harris as a senior advisor in her Sacramento office.
“We were unaware of this issue and take accusations of harassment extremely seriously. This evening, Mr. Wallace offered his resignation to the senator and she accepted it,” Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams wrote in an email.
That's a lie. There's no way that a $400,000 settlement was reached over someone working under Kamala and she was not (a) aware of the complaint and (b) aware of the settlement. She knew who he was and she elected to bring him with her as a senate staffer. Furthermore, she only got ride of him the day the press came sniffing around.
The survivor was Wallace's executive assistant.
Kamala supervised Wallace. She should have known what was going on. She should have been paying attention to ensure that no retaliation took place after the woman came forward. She certainly shouldn't have brought Wallace along to the Senate (and she shouldn't have recommended him for his next government job -- which, for the record, she did).
When she reported the behavior to a supervisor, the lawsuit says, she was “subjected to retaliation including being set up to fail” as well as being “micro-managed” by a supervisor, and was “placed under an Internal Affairs investigation for a fabricated charge and told she should quit her job and seek employment elsewhere.” She was later involuntarily assigned to a different department.
Kamala lied and she needs to get honest. The editorial board of THE FRESNO BEE also didn't find her claims convincing:
Attorney General Xavier Becerra settled out of court for $400,000 in May 2017. In 2016, Wallace was the director of the Division of Law Enforcement under then-Attorney General Harris. He has been with Harris for 14 years, stretching back to her time as San Francisco district attorney. Most recently he worked out of Sacramento on her Senate staff.
Wallace resigned last Wednesday. Harris on Thursday said she wasn’t aware of the allegations against him.
There are only a few possible interpretations here, and they are unpleasant. Wallace wasn’t out on the periphery of Harris’ staff; he was a senior aide she knew for 14 years — hardly a stranger. For Harris to flatly deny any knowledge of this settlement seems, shall we say, far-fetched. For the moment, let’s take her at her word.
A second and equally troubling interpretation is that Harris isn’t a terribly good manager, and that her staff was insulating her from information critical to the performance of her duties. This is hardly a propitious beginning to a presidential candidacy.
Harris’ handling of this matter is eerily reminiscent of a 2010 case during her tenure as district attorney, where a judge rebuked her office for hiding problems in the drug analysis section of the San Francisco police crime lab.
Part of being an elected official is not only taking strong political positions and executing them fairly, it’s also being able to manage the people you entrust with responsibility. In this case, Harris has fallen short.
Harris owes the voters more than just a four-word denial on the steps of the U.S. Senate. She should fully explain her relationship with Wallace, and, by extension, her staff and why it insulated her from an issue upon which she has taken a leading national role.
Making it even more obvious that Kamala is lying is the fact that her timeline is fiction. Emily Kopp (ROLL CALL) noted:
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., expressed surprise and frustration when reports first surfaced last week that a longtime aide had settled allegations of gender discrimination last year — attributing her lack of awareness to a “breakdown” in communication.
But the California Department of Justice received notification of the suit three months before Harris left her position as state attorney general, according to a new report.
Kamala blew off Tara Reade? It appears Kamala's been blowing off the harassed for some time.
This goes to the stupidity of Team Biden, by the way. Joe's accused of rape, he's accused of harassment. He should be doing everything he can to ensure that his administration sends a strong anti-harassment message. But he's trying to put Neera Tanden in charge of the OMB. Neera who was in charge at CAP when women were complaining of being harassed. She would eventually out one of the women in a company wide meeting. And, yes, that is awful and it's wrong. But let's not ignore the fact that she was the manager there and multiple women had complaints and multiple women were ignored. How can she manage anything when her record demonstrates that she can't even fix a toxic work environment and make it respect the laws of the land?
Now they're nominating Becerra who just raises the issue of how Kamala looked the other way to protect her friend Larry Wallace.
These are not smart decisions being made. Joe's attacking the press -- just like Donald Trump -- and he seems to think he's above it all. He wasn't voted into office because people liked him. He was voted into office because people were scared of a second term of Donald Trump.
These are the mistakes rookies make. And Biden's team is experienced so why are they making all these mistakes? Arrogance. They don't realize how quickly America can (and will if serious measures are not taken) turn on Joe Biden.
Serious measures? People are out of work.
Where's the money for the American people? The US Congress has failed
the American people. They have fake assed their way through this
pandemic and done nothing for the American people. $1,200 payment?
That's nothing. They gave corporations billions and the American people
-- who they are supposed to serve -- was tossed a trinket of a single
$1,200 payment. Shame on them all.
Corruption in leadership around the world. Sofia Barbarani (ALJAZEERA) types:
Iraqi President Barham Salih has called for an end to “corruption, looting, plundering and smuggling” following a sixth day of protests in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq’s Sulaymaniyah province.
Demonstrators have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the political leadership, high unemployment rate and lack of public services.
They also demanded that their salaries be paid in full.
Local media reported that at least six protesters have been killed in the clashes with security forces.
“Violence is not a solution to confront the legitimate demands of citizens,” President Salih said in his statement on Tuesday.
Mina Aldroubi (THE NATIONAL) notes:
Mr Salih, who is originally from Sulaymaniyah, urged security forces to act according to the law and to refrain from using violence while not putting any restraints on the media.
Young people have lost hope in the Kurdistan Regional Government's leadership and want to take matters into their own hands, Sarkwat Shamis, an Iraqi MP, told The National.
"This is a result of outstanding issues, crisis and the corruption of the ruling clans, the Barzanis and Talabanis," he said, in reference to the two ruling Kurdish political parties.
We've been covering the issues in Sulaymaniyah since Sunday -- that's when the government shut down NRT for covering the protest. MIDDLE EAST MONITOR notes:
Iraqi Kurdish Asayish security forces yesterday stormed the headquarters of Nalia Radio and Television (NRT) and suspended it for covering anti-government protests in the autonomous region, Anadolu news agency reported.
NRT said in a statement on its website that "the Asayish [regional security forces] have stormed the channel's headquarters in the city of Sulaymaniyah, cut off broadcasting, confiscated equipment and closed the building's doors."
According to the statement, the suspension came after the channel's extensive coverage of the recent protests in the region.
The channel published two photos showing a number of security cars parked in front of its headquarters in the city.
The Ministry of Culture and Youth in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said in a statement that it had decided to suspend the channel's broadcasts for one week because of its "lack of adherence to the rules regulating broadcast media and especially its current irresponsible behaviour, describing the security forces as militias and bandits."
In addition to shutting down NRT, there are rumors that the internet is about to be shut down in that area. Actually, the shut down of the internet has started. Dr Nemam Ghafouri Tweets:
Apparently, the government killed the internet last night and it came back up this morning. Kurdish Blogger Tweets:
At least four people are said to be dead and multiple others injured as clashes continued between protesters and security forces in Sulaimani on Monday night.
Locals reported at least three dead in Darbandikhan, Kalar, and Kifri late on Monday, allegedly shot by security forces and guards.
A 26-year-old was confirmed dead on Monday evening after being shot in Chamchamal.
The violence comes after a number of political party offices were targeted in Saidsadiq, southeast of Sulaimani city.
According to NetBlocks, an international non-partisan group monitoring internet access across the globe, internet usage fell to 48 percent of its usual levels in Sulaimani early Tuesday, indicating disruptions to internet access across the province.
The KRG shares a border with Turkey. Karwan Faidhi Dri (RUDAW) reports:
Allegations of Turkish security forces member involvement in the gang
rape of a 15-year-old girl in the Kurdish-majority province of Batman
has angered many social media users and politicians in Turkey, with the
government denying the claims.
Jin news agency, a feminist media outlet, reported on
Saturday that a group of 27 people, including police officers,
specialized sergeants and village guards were involved in the rape of a
15-year-old girl in Gercus district in Batman.
It added that the rape was brought to light after the girl went to the
hospital for abdominal pain and was found to be pregnant.
Hours later, Batman Public Prosecutor’s office said in a statement that a
child visited their office on November 12, and reported that “she had
been raped and impregnated.”
Police say they were able to detain a suspect on November 13, according
to the office, which denied claims that any police officers or state
employees were involved in the incident. The statement also noted that a confidentiality order had been placed on the case, prohibiting media from reporting on it.
On Sunday, the Batman governor’s office slammed media agencies and
social media accounts reporting that security force members were
involved, accusing them of having links to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK). The statement added that investigations will be launched against anyone “who publishes fake news.”
Yesterday evening, Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Little Debbie's Cheating Heart" and his "Hardworking Louisa Loveluck" went up. The following sites updated: