Isaiah's latest THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Kristi Noem Wants To Be At Home In Homeland Security"
By Tuesday afternoon, half a day after Gallego clinched the Senate race, Lake still had not conceded. She has yet to concede her 2022 gubernatorial loss as well.
“Kari Lake is a case unto herself,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.
“She is still refusing to concede the election for governor. It’s just laughable. … The way she comes across, there’s just an arrogance that just turns people off.”
Some of her supporters have rejected the notion of voters who supported both Trump and Gallego. Others can’t fathom how she could lose when Trump won relatively handily. And they point to the money Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s allies denied her in a race she lost by a little more than 2 percentage points.
Closing with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Wednesday, November 12, 2024. The failure that is our 'independent' media -- CNN brings on a guest who lies about Kamala and THE MAJORITY REPORT rushes to praise it. Actions have consequences and the same sorry ass 'independent' beggar media ("SEND MONEY! ALWAYS, ALWAYS SEND MONEY!") knows how to beg but it doesn't know how to inform.
You like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell you
All those pretty lies pretty lies
When you gonna realize they're only pretty lies
Only pretty lies just pretty lies
-- "The Last Time I Saw Richard," written by Joni Mitchell, first appears on her album BLUE, live version above is from this year's JONI MITCHELL ARCHIVES, VOL. 4: THE ASY.UM YEARS (1976-1980).
Pretty men who tell you all those pretty lies, pretty lies, when you gonna realize they're only pretty lies?
For me it was last night when I was about to post a YOUTUBE video of THE MAJORITY REPORT but the Spidey sense tingled. So I streamed first.
No one needs to hear from these idiots. Yes, her pigment was darker but, no, she did not speak for Black women -- just like Bri-Bri never spoke for Black women.
Bri-Bri -- like Sammy Seder and THE VANGUARD BOYZ -- fell in love with Bernie Sanders. With Bri-Bri, she at least came to some sort of sense on Bernie -- though it appeared to take him trashing her for her do come to her senses. I remember when Bernie walked away from Cenk. But he didn't rash Cenk. He didn't give statements about Cenk.
But he went to town on Bri-Bri. What was so different about Joy Gray?
Oh, that's right, she's Black.
THE VANGAURD BOYZ never know what they're talking about. They're young, fine. Hopefully, in ten years, if they're still doing what they're doing, they'll be honest about what they saw with their own eyes.
Sam is not young. And to watch his garbage right now is very difficult for me. Brings up arguments I had with Janeane back when Sam was her co-host.
Is Sam being honest with you? Because he wasn't after the 2004 election. No, he brought on Simon Rosenberg -- a centrist who wanted the Democrats to abandon support for abortion and wanted them to shove gays aside.
I give Rachel Maddow a lot of grief. But as AIR AMERICA RADIO promoted Simon Rosenberg's garbage -- he appeared on multiple shows in a matter of days -- Rachel was the only one who stood up to him.
Sam? Sam fluffed for him and so did Bill Scher. Bill was Sam's co-host that note. And let's note that. Janeane was the reason that show was on the air. If she was off due to whatever reason (usually an acting role), why are you bringing on Bill Scher. I'm sorry, when did AIR AMERICA RADIO ever have a shortage of male on airs?
I don't want to get lost in the weeds here. We have ignored Sam over and over. An intervention was done and I agreed to give him another look. And I thought, "Well, he has grown a little."
And the campaign started and we got a lot of garbage from Sam.
I ignored it.
I'm not going to ignore this garbage.
Let me tell you what Sam would say in response: If you didn't like what you heard, that's your answer.
When he -- and Bill Scher -- refused to stop Simon Rosenberg when Simon was lying non-stop, that was his 2004 answer.
It is 20 years later, Sam Seder. Grow the f**king hell up.
You're doing garbage in the post-election period again. It's the same garbage -- the same useless garbage that you did -- after the 2004 election.
You're not offering anything of vale, you're not offering insight. All you're doing is what you did then -- served up platitudes and conventional wisdom and passed it off as insight.
The clip he played was from CNN. A professional, acceptable to CNN Black woman was a guest. Right away, know to stop, know to listen very carefully. CNN isn't Roland S. Martin. Roland will bring on a variety of Black women. CNN just wants the one trained to speak in that conventional wisdom.
She was on to critique Kamala which was really about redirecting the Democratic Party.
She didn't know a damn thing and that's why she constantly hedged -- or did no one at THE MAJORITY REPORT notice that?
Did Kamala never say "working class"? The house pet CNN brought on raised that issue -- wasn't asked, raised it. But she qualified it with "as far as I know." Weasel words because facts didn't matter, it was about getting her attack in.
It's the same nonsense -- and Roland's called this out and Karen Hunter has called this out -- that people are using to water down the Democratic Party.
I know this is hard for Zac and Cody and the other youngsters to believe but Bernie is not a god. He's not even a decent person.
Decent people don't give their lives to public service jobs and end up millionaires. Bernie's got over three million dollars. How did he get the money?
Not by being a threat to the world of corporations.
Here's what the toddlers don't grasp: Bernie talks a good game frequently.
He never does anything. Now back in the day, when he was in the House of Representatives and progressive were rightfully outraged by his failure to ever actually deliver (or fight for that matter). And what we were told back then was that due to being a member of the House of Representatives, he was limited by the fact that he had to run for office every two years. He'd show up in documentaries and Robert Greenwald's 'documentaries' and make statements that he never followed up on. Then he got the Senate. How long are people going to make excuses for him?
I stopped when he chaired a Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing. We were there to cover the issue. And the press was there for another issue. The VA was keeping two sets of books. Veteran care was appalling and the wait lists were appalling. So the VA was keeping the true wait time book and the false one that they had been providing to Congress.
And what did Bernie do that morning? Please grasp that veterans were dying due to lack of care. This was a huge scandal. And Bernie insisted, in his opening remarks, that the focus would not be on the emerging story and asked that those on the Committee stay on topic -- the topic being holistic health care.
Veterans are dying and the VA has been caught lying. Lying to our government representatives and president and lying to the people.
And Bernie's more interested in holistic healthcare.
That's when I stopped making excuses for fake ass Bernie.
He might have made a great president in 2020. If he had, it would have been due to the people behind him -- his supporters -- and not due to Bernie.
His remarks this week were racist. Not surprising, he's over 80 years old.
Remember Ralph Nader. Remember him in 2008? Running against Barack Obama and Ralph using terms like "ghetto" and using the term blindly and repeatedly anytime he was asked about any issue effecting Black people? And people thinking Ralph was out of touch and racist. Ralph was only in his 70s.
"Working class"? Kamala did use the term. She was more often using the term "working families."
You might not like it, I might not like it. It was used because it was poll tested and this was done before Zac and Cody even got out of diapers.
Now if we want to have a conversation -- post-election -- about terms, let's do that. But let's be honest about it.
Black women turned out in this election. And no one wants to explore that Danielle, Olay, Tabitha and so many more strong Black women could be a part of this conversation taking place right now -- could be and should be.
But they were taken for granted before the election, taken for granted during the election cycle and are still being taken for granted when we pretend we want answers.
We don't want real answers. Sam doesn't want real answers. He wants to jawbone about conventional wisdom. I have been told Sam is incredibly intelligent. I would love for that to be accurate. But nothing I see right now speaks of anything more than a half-wit.
Currently, the election results are Kamala got 48.1% of the vote and Donald got 50.2% of the vote. You wouldn't know that by the coverage and the hand wringing.
By all means, wring the hands over what Donald's going to do. But this isn't a mandate and it's not a landslide -- and thank you to Lawrence O'Donnell who points this out when everyone else ignores it. Here he is from last night.
Let's also note that currently, only 79% of votes have been counted in California.
I don't like that kind of argument. I don't like it because it gives people false hope.
I had no problem with Donald wanting recounts in 2020. I never slammed him for it. I did repeatedly point out that after the electoral college votes, that's it. It didn't matter if 24 hours after that vote took place, he found 80,0000 votes in a close state. The popular vote does not elect the president. The electoral college does. I thought even Donald could grasp that but I was wrong.
So I don't have a problem calling for a recount. That's part of the process.
But I do not believe in false hope. And I also think it's a really easy out to say, "They rigged it!"
Now they may have and I may look like an idiot. But I've seen this game too many times. Bev Harris, remember her? She could prove it, she knew about the voting machines, she knew this and she knew that and she raised so much money and then where did she go? A lot of people were seriously misled by her and lived in denial for a period of time as a result.
When I noted earlier this week that I didn't care for this kind of talk, an e-mail came in saying, "I bet you didn't even check to see if your vote was counted!"
No, I didn't. And not because my vote could still be in the counting process -- I hadn't thought about that when I dismissed going online to check. I've got other things to do and I remember Bev Harris -- briefly an AIR AMERICA RADIO regular on multiple shows. And nothing came of that.
We don't have a lot of time to gather our wits. We have to be willing to fight, if we're going to fight. ("I can do both!" Then do both. I'm not telling you not to. I'm saying I have no proof or even an indication that the vote was stolen. So I have other things to do.)
In addition to the false hopes that would be created by my making 'rigged!' a focus, there's also the fact that it prevents a very serious issue from being discussed: Racism.
I would love to believe that the vote was rigged. The alternative, which is what I believed happened, was that racism and sexism is much, much higher in the US than I'd like to admit.
Ava and I wrote "Media: White supremacy won the 2024 election (Ava and C.I.)" on Sunday.
Racism played a huge part. And that's why I'm really not in the mood for corporate house pets -- as opposed to strong Black women -- being invited to these discussions in the few times that any Black woman gets invited.
And you need to understand, you Sam Seders, that this is the wrong damn time to write off Black women. You're not listening. You're not listening to the hurt and the betrayal. And you're not anticipating what can very easily happen: Black women walk away.
There is so much hurt.
If your eyes were opened you saw it over and over. The standard for Kamala. And Van Jones was right when he noted that Donald just had to appear lawless but Kamala had to be flawless. But it went far beyond what anybody wants to talk about.
And I think that's because a lot of White people want to keep their heads down. That's not going to make us forgive you. We saw what we saw. And we might be forgiving of some of it if you could get honest about what the hell you did.
Sam, THE MAJORITY REPORT was never fair to Kamala. You weren't constantly attacking her the way THE NATION and DEMOCRACY NOW! were. But you also weren't fair. You weren't. promoting Jill Stein which is why it was so troubling to watch you work from her talking points.
Gaza! Gaza! Gaza!
Israel has been one of the US government's closest allies. That's a historical relationship. Should it exist? A number of Americans questioned that after the Israeli government attacked the USS LIBERTY in 1967.
You were part of the stupid chorus of WhyOhWhy when your damn well old enough to know why and it was your job to impart it to your audience.
Those who want a cease-fire could have one kicking by the end of January if they'd voted for Kamala. That would not have solved any issues, by the way.
Let me explain something, if we're older the only thing we have is knowledge and it's our job to share with those younger. Those younger people have more drive and more rush to them. When the two groups work well together, change happens.
In 2006, during a roundtable, I said I wanted to be offline by 2008 and that it was too bad US troops would still be in Iraq at that point. Jim was a college student then and he immediately shared his opinion that there was no way we would still be in Iraq in 2008.
I could have been wrong -- I often am -- but Jim had passion and idealism and so much more on this side. I had what I'd lived through working on various issues. My point was not to tell him, "Don't work on this issue!" My point was to share how things historically worked.
At the time, we had reached a tipping point in public opinion, yes. But we were nowhere where we needed to be. Now everyone went home after the November 2008 election -- UFPJ was the first to close shop -- votes were still being counted but that useless group announced all was well and they were shutting down.
And US troops are still on the ground in Iraq. Still. It's 2024.
Israel is an apartheid state. And the millions of us around the world who worked on dismantling apartheid in South Africa? We know it's not an overnight process.
Dusty Springfield visited South Africa in 1964 four a tour that refused to honor apartheid. Once in the country, the racist government thought they could push her around. Mixed audiences? Oh no. Dusty stood her ground and the issue got a lot more attention as the tour was cancelled and press outlets that didn't usually explain that a minority White population was controlling, suppressing, attacking and discriminating the Black population.
Apartheid didn't end in 1964. Not only that, but a lot of people who didn't have Dusty's courage performed in Sun City.
That's Little Steven's project, Artists United Against Apartheid's "Sun City." Now Dusty really kicked it off for the UK and the US in 1964. But Little Steven's project was especially needed.
Little Steven was joined by Miles Davis, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen, Grandmaster Melle Mel, Darlene Love, Pat Benatar, Bono, The Fat Boys, Peter Gabriel, George Clinton, Bobby Womack, David Ruffin, Eddie Kendricks, Jimmy Cliff, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, RUN DMC, Kurtis Blow, Nona Hendryx, Ruben Blades, Ringo Starr, Herbie Hancock, Keith Richards, Ron Wood, Hall & Oates, Gil-Scott-Heron and many others -- Clarence Clemons has to get a shout out.
That was 1985.
And 1986 was when Paul Simon broke the cultural boycott and then lied about it claiming permission and approval he did not have. Yet he went on to win Grammys -- multiple -- for that piece of crap GRACELAND you-call-me-buddy-and-buddy-when-you just shut up, your garbage dumpster. It was the same crap Paul had been doing without Art for years and it was tired and it was garbage but he used Africa to dress it up.
No one was asking the young people in the US to stop protesting genocide or apartheid. But they should have been provided with basic information which did include that you haven't done nearly enough work to take us to where you want us to be. That there are so many ingrained issues and that this is not a one week project.
As non-college students, it was the role of those of us older and more experienced to share perspective.
Now the professional Gaza Freaks -- the ones behind Abandon Biden and then Abandon Harris -- were liars and they have blood on their hands.
They lied and they knowingly lied and your proof there is Abandon Biden started months and months ago. They knew when they started it that the genocide would continue well into the election and they suspected it would continue beyond it.
Time didn't matter to them then. Maybe because of that the fact that they weren't really doing a damn thing in Dearborn or Hamtramck but feeding off the work of students across the country. And the students went home for the summer and nothing got done. No massive protests, no nothing.
To get from point A to point B on this issue was going to require a lot of work and a bit more time.
And the media -- left media like THE NATION, THE PROGRESSIVE, et al -- wasn't honest about that. Nor was the left media honest about the power of the vote.
I'm all for "the power of no." I've used it throughout my life, often gotten better money as a result of it.
But if I really want a role and I say "no" over some issue or condition, I damn well know I might not get my way. I damn well better be ready to live with my decision.
No one bothered to explain that to a number of people.
Certainly not in historical terms.
So you decide not to vote for the person who could help you.
That's your right.
I'd argue you also had the right to note what the result was going to be.
GoodyWhore doesn't care about your rights. She had Ralph Nader on in September and again this month.
It was a different Ralph Nader. He didn't boo-hoo like he did in the past when he'd be on camera. Boo-hoo, the Democrats won't take me calls, boo-hoo I'm not welcome at Public Citizen even though I started the organization. Boo-hoo, no one cares about helping me with my issues. Boo hoo, Johnny Carson no longer invites me on THE TONIGHT SHOW.
That was a fairly standard cry baby whine from Ralph after the 2000 election.
Actions have consequences. Amy GoodyWhore of DEMOCRACY NOW! pimped Ralph in real time -- no, not covered, pimped. And she bring him on repeatedly this year and the only purpose for that would be for him to get honest.
Because of his nonsense, over a million Iraqis died. That's what he delivered to America with his nonsense run. And it destroyed him.
These crazies on the left who have media control do a world of damage. Tomas Young is one example. They really needed him to die to make some sort of political statement that they were too chicken s**t to make for themselves -- they being people like Chris Hedges and Ralph Nader. They egged him and it ended up in a place where he's announcing he's going to end it. He didn't. Better people, smarter people spoke with him and explained that he didn't owe these vultures anything.
He would go on to live another year.
I don't deride or attack anyone for taking their own life. I'm smart enough to grasp that I can't peer into their soul and no their pain. By the same token, I'm not talking people into taking their own life for a media stand -- which is what Ralph and Chris did, let's be clear.
A wounded man in pain and all they can do is encourage it even when looking in Tomas' eyes made it clear that he did not wish to end his life in 2013.
These are the people you have turned to way too often and relied. It doesn't seem to matter to any of you that Serial plagiarist Chris Hedges is brought on by Katie Halper and other assholes to yammer away today and he's treated as a trusted source. Trusted people -- or people worthy of trust are not egging a wounded, young veteran to take his own life. You need to be watching the way these stories are (mis)covered because way too often, you've got a lot of ego on the part of the 'journalist' or 'host' and you're not really getting the actual story.
But actions have consequences
And because one group was selfish, now multiple groups are at risk. The Mayor Dearborn has taken to whining because Black people have started their boycotts of Muslim owned businesses. That's not racism, though the Mayor of Homophobia is trying to pretend it is.
No, your selfish actions were a failure.
That's not in dispute.
You have not helped the Palestinian people one bit with your actions and, in fact, you've harmed them. You've put someone who does not see them as human into the White House and he's now making the most anti-Palestinian man you can think of -- Mike Huckabee -- in charge as the US Ambassador to Israel. Mike Huckabee? He's been out of the public eye so long many of us thought his daughter Sarah, on yet another binge eating marathon, must have ate him.
But, no, he's still around. And it's not just that he hates the Palestinians. It's also that he wants armed war because he believes that's how Armageddon comes about.
So, yeah, you failed big time. Own it.
But that's not the only way you failed.
Immigrants in this country and those that look like immigrants? You going to pray to Allah for forgiveness when others are removed from this country? Women? You going to cry for their rights gone? The erasing of slavery from the history books, you going to cry for that too? The attacks on the Dept of Education, the attacks on very rights and our democracy.
Do you get what your "no" resulted in?
And that's what you filth beggar media forgot to tell you.
Forgot? Refused.
You took Jill Stein's terms and ran with them. Gaza was never the only damn issue. I think you can scroll through COMMON DREAMS' headlines today and grasp that. But that's what you constantly badgered Kamala about. Kamala who wasn't president. She needs to do this for Gaza Freaks and that for Gaza Freaks.
No, she didn't. Nor could she. If Gaza Freaks (supposed activists in the US whose actions only harm the Palestinian people) wanted Israel denounced and verbally savaged, there were just as many people -- probably more, who wanted Kamala to savage the Palestinians. She had three months to campaign. And she had to get voters and, woops, you don't get voters by screaming GAZA GAZA GAZA!
I believe Jill Stein's loser campaign made that clear with its ridiculous results.
Jill was never going to win. That's not why Donald Trump supported Jill. They wanted Jill to chip away at support on the left, they wanted Jill to destroy enthusiasm on the left thereby lowering voter turnout.
Now Zac and Cody were just discovering what their little boy pee-pees could do when Barack ran for office. But Sam can remember, Amy Goodman can remember.
We were told, of his campaign, that it was so important and so monumental and that boys who weren't White were finally going to see that they could be president, that they could be anything in this world.
And Bill Moyers and Amy Goodman and so many others did segment after segment on this.
What about Black girls?
Because what those of us paying attention this go round was that the same media was not offering that. Was not talking about inspiring or important.
And if you want to be really honest, they didn't do it in 2008 -- not for women. DEMOCRACY NOW!, CONSORTIUM and all the others got behind how important it was for a Black man to be president for Black boys. But they attacked and savaged Hillary. And if she brought up her gender, they especially attacked her. That's 2008 during that primary.
And, we saw it again with Kamala. No one got starry eyed in left media over what her win might mean for girls of color.
No one cared.
We're not supposed to notice that though.
And we're not supposed to notice that Sam's found time yet again to attack Kamala.
We're not supposed to notice.
And that's why I'm not in the mood for Sam Seder to amplify garbage from CNN. Not to critique, but to sign off on it. I'm not in the damn mood.
I will note though that Sam's yet again pimping a critique against Kamala.
As I look back on that campaign, the worst day it ever had was October 1st.
That's when a smug JD Vance lied on stage non-stop and Tim Walz suffered from sweat flop and appeared drugged out and insane.
And no one wants to talk about that. You'll didn't want to talk about it when it happened.
"Oh, he looked so nice up there, it's going to win over voters."
I called that lie out on October 2nd, the morning after. There is only one job for the v.p. nominee and that is to bloody the other party. John Edwards understood it. Cheney and Bush were anti-LGBTQ? John Edwards brought Mary Cheney. Lloyd Bentsen telling Dan Quayle, "Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy." Over and over, that's what the VP does. It was considered iffy in 2008 because Joe Biden was going against Sarah Palin and the country had enough sexism by that point so Joe was a bit hamstrung but even Joe delivered.
Tim Walz should have immediately announced he was stepping aside. "For health reasons" -- after that debate, no one would have argued with him on that. That was the worst moment of the campaign.
And now we want to look back on it and all we've got to offer is Kamala did this and this and this?
We don't want to point out that Tim Walz went on stage and looked like a crazy psycho. Not only did he look crazy and out of touch, he scored no points. JD won that debate.
But let's talk instead focus on Kamala and "working class" and lie that she never said it.
And if that's not clear enough to you, Sam Seder, THE WASHINGTON MONTHLY has an article about how Kamala did court the working class:
One week later and the Democratic Party’s self-flagellation continues.
“We don’t listen enough; we tell people what’s good for them,” scolded Senator Chris Murphy on X. “Listen to poor and rural people, men in crisis. Don’t decide for them.”
“No one is listening to anything else you say if you try to talk them out of their lived experiences with data points from some economists,” Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez lectured in a New York Times interview.
“The reason we didn’t win ultimately is we didn’t listen enough to people on the ground,” Representative Ro Khanna claimed on CBS’s Face The Nation. “People like [Representatives] Chris Deluzio, Pat Ryan, who were saying, talk about the economy. Talk about people’s economic struggles,” .
This is, to quote Joe Biden one last time, malarkey.
Kamala Harris absolutely listened to working-class voters. She heard their frustrations about high prices; developed a set of policies designed to improve the affordability of groceries, housing, and health care; and centered them in her speeches and ads.
Working-class voters, however, didn’t listen to her, nor what Donald Trump had to say about prices. He repeatedly pledged to raise prices with tariffs on all imported goods. He even dreamed of a future that resembled the past: a federal government largely funded by sky high tariffs, instead of progressive income taxes.
That's just the opening. And, by the way, Sam Seder, before you dismiss this article that goes against everything CNN's house pet said -- the remarks you praised -- check out the byline -- it's your old buddy Bill Scher writing that article. Your buddy Bill who, on December 10, 2004, co-hosted THE MAJORITY REPORT with you as you let Simon Rosenberg -- a racist, a sexist and a homophobe -- lie and lie and lie. (See "Questions for the questionable Simon Rosenberg" from December 9, 2004 for what was known before the day before that interview took place.)
Black women are hurting right now. Some won't be coming back to activism in the immediate future. There's a healing that needs to take place and it won't happen with lies and distortions. If you honest to God want to talk the election, want to figure out what went wrong, you need to talk to Black women. But, look around, and note that yet again while on the left we say we support DEI, we don't do it on our media. And that's why YOUTUBE programs for the left are so overwhelmingly White. And in 2024, it is damn sorry that I'm having to point that out.
Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Junior Moves Into His New Office" went up last night. The following sites updated: