Friday, September 06, 2013

He keeps selling war (plus Janis Ian news)

Jason Ditz ( reports tonight:

The word on the House of Representatives is clear: President Obama doesn’t have the votes to push through a resolution endorsing his planned attack on Syria, and he may in fact lose big.
It’s going to take a lot of backroom deals and lobbying to convince Representatives to go against the will of the American public, overwhelmingly opposed to the war, just a year ahead of the elections, but that lobbying may be coming.
AIPAC and its usual auxiliaries in the Israel Lobby are looking to turn the tide toward war, promising to “go all-out” next week in lobbying Congress to support the war, along with a “major mobilization” of US Jewish leaders.

Tuesday, Barack plans a major address to try to sell war on Syria yet again.  What an idiot.

He failed, if you missed that, at the G-20 this week.  He was shunned and avoided by other world leaders.

And all he wanted was for everyone to hold hands and agree to go to war.

Barack is clearly stupid and his glossy coat has fallen off.  The world has grown weary of the celebrity.

Yet still he believes he can sell war on Syria.

Let's hope not.  Let's all hope that, for once, Congress has the guts to stand up to him.

A defeat for him on this could prevent illegal wars in the rest of the three years he has left in office.

Singer-Songwriter Janis Ian was the subject of a poll -- community poll -- and the results were in today's gina & krista round-robin.  The question was: What is Janis Ian's all time best song?  Here were the results the community voted:

1) "At Seventeen"
2) "Stars"
3) "Some People's Lives"
4) "When Angels Cry"
5) "All Those Promises"

The community loves Best of Janis Ian: Autobiography Collection (also known as The Essential Janis Ian) (I reviewed it here) and ranked it in May as the best Janis album.  The top four songs are all on that collection.  Only the fifth choice, "All Those Promises," isn't.  It's from Folk Is The New Black (which I reviewed here) and has been championed and praised by all the sites in this community but it is Mike who has praised it over and over and over at his site.

I wondered about "Society's Child"?  I called Gina and, with her and Krista's permission, I can tell you it was tied for sixth place with "Fly Too High."  I'll also tell you the song I voted for didn't make the top ten: "The Great Divide" (also from Folk Is The New Black).

Using that as the leaping off point, I'll note this Janis Ian news for September:


  • HOT NEWS! SiriusXM Facebook takeover!
    HOT NEWS! Sept. 17, at 12 noon Eastern, Janis will be doing an exclusive  "takeover" of SiriusXM's Facebook page to celebrate the release of "The Tiny Mouse". You can submit questions, answer trivia questions and win signed copies, and see footage of Janis trying to teach Gracie Mae to read the book, not eat it...

  • The Tiny Mouse comes out September 17!
    Janis Ian's new book, The Tiny Mouse, with illustrations by Ingrid & Dieter Schubert, is now available for pre-order. You can get a copy autographed by Janis if you order from Parnassus Books of Nashville! The book also includes a CD with Janis singing "The Tiny Mouse".
    The Tiny Mouse follows the adventures of a bored mouse who decides to go to sea and narrowly escapes a grisly death. In his moment of truth, he understands that it's better to be a whole mouse at home than someone's dinner at sea.
    This book and CD set has not only Janis Ian singing "The Tiny Mouse" with a full band but also a version without vocals for singalong fun. A complete transcription for piano and guitar is also included, and children are encouraged to create their own videos, using the background music, then post to Youtube!!

  • Closing with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

    Friday, September 6, 2013.  Chaos and violence continue, Nouri lobbies to kill the protest movement, the protests continue, Iran supposedly is ordering an attack on the US in Iraq if the US launches an attack on Syria, Women's Media Center fails the left by funding (and publishing) propaganda which is now being grabbed by conservatives to justify attacking Syria, Glenn Greenwald and others reveal more about Barack Obama's illegal spying programs and more.

    At the Washington Post today, conservative Michelle Bernard tries (and fails) to make a coherent case for war on Syria.  Her prop of choice?  Iraqi women.  Bernard's part of the cheap trash who ignore Iraqi women.  The women of Iraq suffer and they suffer without any help from world government's so Bernard's lies aren't needed.  She insists that women are suffering in Syria.  It's similar to the propaganda Women's Media Center -- in the roll out for war that Gloria Steinem, Robin Morgan and Jane Fonda all hope you never call them on -- was featuring a few months back.  That shouldn't surprise you.

    When The Brides of War enlist to become love slaves of Barack, they run to Lauren Wolfe for information.  The hustler also works for The Atlantic.  She specializes in "OHMYGOD!WOMENAREBEINGKILLEDSOMEWHEREANDIMUSTANDWILLSTOPIT!"

    Here's some information for all the tricked out sex slaves in the nunnery of St. Barack: War kills.

    War kills indiscriminately.  There is no 'precision' in war.  It is bloody, it is messy and it is deadly.

    Do women suffer during war?

    Yes, children they do.  In The War Against Women, the late Marilyn French established this with a historical overview of war and how it functions alongside the patriarchy, how the domination sought in war is also sought in society.

    I realize this is new ground for Michelle Bernard.   And probably for the idiot Lauren Wolfe.

    Bernard wants you to know that, in 2003, shortly after the start of the Iraq War, she actually managed to chat with a few Iraqi women in DC who had been brought in, by the Bully Boy Bush administration, to speak to Congress.  Guess what they told Bernard?  They wished the war had started sooner!  Isn't it shocking?  Iraqi women, as the war had just started, would be flown to the US to lobby Congress and they supported the war!  Well case closed, yet again!

    But before Bernard does her victory lap, let's all grasp that the women were propaganda tools of the White House -- which is why they were able to travel to the US to begin with.

    And let's further grasp what Michelle Bernard doesn't grasp or won't tell you.

    The year is 2013.  Michelle insists that Iraqi women told her they were better off due to war ("What took you so long!" she quotes one Iraqi saying) so the US should attack Syria.

    What's she leaving out?

    How about today?

    How about the effects of ten years of war on Iraq and, yes, on Iraqi women?  Let's start with Wednesday's snapshot:

    And in southern Baghdad, NINA reports:
    Police source told NINA that an improvised explosive device, emplaced near women beauty salon in Shurta neighborhood, went off wounding the salon's owner and three other civilians, happened to be nearby, as well as causing damages to the salon.

    That attack is very important. al Qaeda may or may not be responsible for that attack but for years they have launched attacks in that area.  The attack, if carried out by al Qaeda, may have been an attack on business or anything.  But the best guess is it being an attack on women who refuse to live in Iraq as though Iraq is Afghanistan.

    That attack was and remains important but no western news outlet treated it as such.  No one filed a report on it.  As always when women are the intended targets, the press looked the other way.  In fact, the only time the western press tends to note women dying is when they can (accurately or inaccurately) label them a prostitute.  Zainab Salbi founded Women for Women International.  Last March, she wrote a column for CNN on the status of women in Iraq:

    On the political front, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has not appointed a single woman to a senior cabinet position, despite the fact women are guaranteed 25% of the seats in parliament by the constitution. The Ministry of Women's Affairs, a poorly-funded and mostly ceremonial department, is the lone ministry headed up by a woman.
     Constitutionally, women were able to secure the ability to pass their citizenship on to their children by non-Iraqi husbands, making Iraq one of a handful Arab countries with such a provision for their female citizens.

    But on the other hand, women are no longer guaranteed equal treatment under one law in terms of marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody. That law, the Family Statutes Law, has been replaced one giving religious and tribal leaders the power to regulate family affairs in the areas they rule in accordance with their interpretation of religious laws.

    This not only is making women more vulnerable, it is giving women from various sects (Sunni or Shia) or religion (Muslim or Christian) different legal treatments on the same issues.
     Economically, women have gone from being visibly active in the Iraqi work force in the 1980s -- particularly in the farming, marketing and professional services sectors -- to being nearly non-existent in 2013.

    The women who could afford it withdrew from the public space due the violence dominating the streets. 10 years ago Iraq produced much of its own food and had a productive industrial sector -- but now Iraq imports practically all of its food, and farmers and factory workers simply found themselves out of a job as industry ground to a halt. And while both women and men suffered as a result, the impact on women was greater due to their limited mobility in the face of poor security.
     Violence against women -- and the lack of legal protection for women -- is also on the rise. Women's rights groups blame the increase in violence on the social and economic pressure that families face, the lack of public and political will to stop it, and the increase religious conservatism that often justifies the violence.
     MADRE's Yifat Susskind and Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq's Yanar Mohammed wrote a column on the status of women in Iraq this year as well:

    If you talk to women in war zones anywhere, they’ll tell you that domestic violence increases in war-time. But in Iraq, violence against women has also been systematic. And unknown to most Americans, it has been orchestrated by some of the very forces that the US boosted to power.
    Like religious fundamentalists everywhere, these sectarian militias and clerics have a social vision for their country that depends on subjugating women. But because the US wagered that they could deliver stability, these men were cultivated as allies in Iraq. As we now know, they never even got the stability they traded women’s rights for.
    The dynamic was clearly at work in the drafting of Iraq’s constitution, heavily brokered by the US. To pass it, the US needed support from Islamist parties. They got it by trading away women’s rights. In fact, the current constitution is a huge step backwards for Iraqi women. It replaces one of the Middle East’s most expansive laws on the status of women, dating from 1959, with separate and unequal laws on the basis of sex. They subjected Iraqi women to a newly introduced Sharia law promoted in an article in the new constitution.
    So the ridiculous Michelle doesn't just remain a groupie in the Cult of St. Barack,  she's also a dumb liar who thinks she can trick America into supporting war on Syria by insisting war was what Iraqi women wanted and it made their lives better.  And Women's Media Center -- Gloria Steinem, Robin Morgan and Jane Fonda -- need to be called out for entering into the dangerous relationship with Lauren Wolfe.  You'd think Gloria would especially avoid that relationship which makes it appear that Women's Media Center is nothing but a government propaganda outlet -- she will never escape working for the CIA in college or the rumors that she continued working for them after college.  I do not believe she worked for them after college.  She would deny the "working for" in college but she received rewards and she did their work, including reporting back afterwards -- a detail that she bragged about repeatedly in the 60s -- check the articles from that era -- but rewrote history a decade later when the Red Stockings went public with Gloria's CIA work.  For those unfamiliar with the charges, post-college, a sort of diagram is drawn of Gloria with various CIA and CIA-linked figures.  The Red Stockings felt that feminism was being watered down in the seventies and felt Gloria had a great deal to do with it.  They began digging around and found Gloria's college CIA link.  They raised the issue publicly and it was in all of the feminist press of the era except Ms. magazine (which Gloria controlled -- though one of the charges was that Ms. was a CIA front).  Gloria ignored the charges and people began lying for Gloria.  When she finally answered the charges, after Betty Friedan had helped publicize them, she suddenly never knew it was a CIA front funding her travel until after the fact.  And the media was kind to Gloria and ran with that crap without questioning it.  The same MSM printed articles in the 60s where Gloria bragged about her work for the CIA in that era, portraying herself as some sort of Agent 99.
    It's very telling that Gloria, Jane and Robin would fund a Syrian project (Wolfe's) to begin with.  Feminists should be focused on Iraq where women's rights and status suffered a tremendous blow.  You want to speak out against war, how about you chronicle the effects war has had on the lives of Iraqi women.  Instead, they've funded alarmist propaganda which, no surprise, is now being used to argue war.
    Gloria, Jane and Robin are you really that stupid?  (Answer: Yes, they apparently are.)
    Gloria, Jane and Robin are silent on Syria.  They won't decry an attack on it and they have funded a propaganda mill whose intent is to force action.  What's going on here?
    Three elderly women have made it their goal to cure male impotency.
    At the heart of the arguments for an attack on Syria is the male impotency.  Scott Lemieux (American Prospect) notes today, "At bottom, as James Fallows notes, the case for action against Syria is based on the same logical error as too many foreign-policy disasters past: we have to "do something," and military action is ... something."  That feeling of powerlessness, that heaven forbid, even men might have to feel.  Instead of telling the Peter Pans of the world to go with it, explore it, grasp it and become better humans as a result, the elderly Wendys of Jane, Robin and Gloria intend to hover the beds in the nursery at night ensuring ejaculation, no limp noodles on their watch.
    There is not a need to do anything.  Syria has a civil war.  Now Spain had a civil war (1936 to 1939) and the US government stayed out of it.  Many of those Americans back then who had a side in that war traveled to Spain and fought.  That's certainly an option for Nicholas Kristof and the other saggy penises.   600,000 deaths is considered a conservative estimate of the death tollYou can also review these stats offered by PBS for the American civil war

    PHIL DONAHUE: Well, I'm pleased to have this chance to chat with you for a lot of reasons. One, I don’t know who else has more cred than you.
    What would a 23-year graduate of West Point offer us now regarding the dilemma in which Obama finds himself, regarding Syria?

    ANDREW BACEVICH: Well, I mean, if I could have five minutes of the president's time, I'd say, "Mr. President, the issue really is not Syria. I mean, you're being told that it's Syria. You're being told you have to do something about Syria, that you have to make a decision about Syria. That somehow your credibility is on the line."
    But I'd say, "Mr. President, that's not true. The issue really here is whether or not an effort over the course of several decades, dating back to the promulgation of the Carter Doctrine in 1980, an effort that extends over several decades to employ American power, military power, overt, covert military power exercise through proxies, an effort to use military power to somehow stabilize or fix or liberate or transform the greater Middle East hasn't worked.
    “And if you think back to 1980, and just sort of tick off the number of military enterprises that we have been engaged in that part of the world, large and small, you know, Beirut, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and on and on, and ask yourself, 'What have we got done? What have we achieved? Is the region becoming more stable? Is it becoming more Democratic? Are we enhancing America's standing in the eyes of the people of the Islamic world?'
    "The answers are, 'No, no, and no.' So why, Mr. President, do you think that initiating yet another war, 'cause if we bomb Syria, it's a war, why do you think that initiating yet another war in this protracted enterprise is going to produce a different outcome? Wouldn't it be perhaps wise to ask ourselves if this militarized approach to the region maybe is a fool’s errand.
    "Maybe it's fundamentally misguided. Maybe the questions are not tactical and operational, but strategic and political." You know, I have to say, I'm just struck by the fact that Secretary of State Kerry has become the leading proponent for war. It's our secretary of state's job apparently--

    PHIL DONAHUE: He threw his medal-- he threw his medals back.

    ANDREW BACEVICH: Well, that's why it's doubly ironic. 'Cause the Secretary of State is the war promoter. And that our secretary of state happens to be a guy who came into politics basically advertising himself as the guy who because of his--

    PHIL DONAHUE: Understands war?

    ANDREW BACEVICH: --Vietnam experiences, understands war, understands the lessons of Vietnam, and is therefore going to prevent us from doing dumb things. On the contrary, he's the lead cheerleader to go through another dumb thing.

    PHIL DONAHUE: President Obama would say to you, "These are children being grossly and painfully killed."


    PHIL DONAHUE: "How can you watch these videos with the foam coming out of the nostrils. And we've got to do something."

    ANDREW BACEVICH: Well, the attack is a heinous act. Now does the fact that they were killed with chemicals make it more heinous than if they were killed with conventional ammunitions? I'm not persuaded.
     I mean, I think the issue, one of the issues here, to the extent that moral considerations drive US policy, and I would say as a practical matter they don't, but let's pretend that they do to the extent that moral considerations drive US policy, there's a couple of questions to ask. One would be, "Why here and not someplace else?"
    I mean, just weeks earlier, the Egyptian Army killed many hundreds of innocent Egyptians. And we sort of shook our finger at Egypt a little bit, but didn't do anything. So why act in Syria? Why not act in Egypt? I think that that needs to be sort of, that needs to be clarified.
    And the other question will be, "Well, if our concerns are humanitarian, why is waging war the best means to advance a humanitarian agenda?" If indeed US policy is informed by concern for the people of Syria, let's just pretend that's the case even though I don't think it is. If it's informed by concern for the people of Syria, why is peppering Damascus with cruise missiles the best way to demonstrate that concern?
    I mean, a little bit of creative statesmanship it seems to me might say that there are other things we could do that would actually benefit the people of Syria, who are suffering greatly, who are fleeing their country in the hundreds of thousands. Who are living in wretched refugee camps. Why don't we do something about that? Why wouldn't that be a better thing to do from a moral perspective than bombing Damascus?

    Sidebar, it's good to see Phil back on TV and while he wanted his down time and enjoys it, it would be great to have him as the permanent guest host on Moyers' program or, if he could be talked into it, the host of his own weekly program.  That media note also lets me note that Kim Petersen continues his media critique of The Real News Network with "TRNN and Intellectual Integrity" (Dissident Voice).
    UPI reports, "An intercepted order from Iran instructs militants in Iraq to hit the U.S. Embassy and other interests if a military strike on Syria occurs, U.S. officials said.  Officials said the recently intercepted message was sent by Qasem Soleimani, head of Revolutionary Guards' Qods Force, to Iranian-supported Shiite militias in Iraq, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday."  (Military Times carries a longer UPI report on this topic.)  Reuters adds the US Embassy in Baghdad is thought to be a likely target.  Hispanic Business headlines their report "Iran Orders Hit on U.S. Embassy if Syria attacked." At the US State Dept press briefing today, Matthew Lee (AP) attempted to get a statement on these reports from spokesperson Marie Harf.

    QUESTION: Let’s start with embassy security personnel

    MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.

    QUESTION: -- movements, non-evacuation, evacuations, that kind of thing.

    MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.

    QUESTION: The – were – are the threats that exist that – or that you believe to exist to your personnel and interest in Lebanon and – or Beirut specifically and in Adana – are they related to Syria, or are they related to something else?

    MS. HARF: Well, these are potential threats, as we said in the statement this morning. Obviously, the tension in region – in the region, including in Syria, plays a role in this. I think it would be obvious to most people and would be silly to think otherwise. So clearly that plays a role there, other regional tensions as well. And we’ll continue evaluating on a post-by-post basis to see if we have to take any additional steps.

    QUESTION: All right. And are – but are you aware of any specific – a specific Syria-related threat to either of these posts?

    MS. HARF: I am not. No. Again, we said this morning --

    QUESTION: You’re not. Okay.

    MS. HARF: -- that we’re concerned about tension in the region and potential threats.

    QUESTION: Right. I understand.

    MS. HARF: Obviously, we make decisions on a post-by-post basis for – with a variety of factors, but I’m not aware of any specifics. But again, we’re evaluating information every day, and we’ll take appropriate steps as necessary.

    QUESTION: Okay. So there was a report overnight, or last night, that there had been a threat or intelligence intercept of a threat to the Embassy in Baghdad.

    MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.

    QUESTION: Can you – and I noticed that unlike Beirut and – or unlike Lebanon and Turkey there was no new warning today, no new even internal thing that went up on the Embassy website in Baghdad. So I’m just wondering is that – does that – is that report accurate? Is there such a threat? Are you concerned about it? And if you are, is anything being done to reduce it?

    MS. HARF: Well, I’m not going to comment on reports about alleged intelligence that may or may not exist. Clearly, we remain concerned in looking at the security throughout the region. Again, you noted that we have not taken any action in terms of our posts in Iraq, so I think I would probably leave it at that for now on that point. Again, we’ll keep reevaluating, but nothing to announce for any other posts at this time.

    QUESTION: So it would not – can – is it safe to infer from what you’re saying that the fact that there was no change or there hasn’t been any announcement – announced change to the posture in Iraq that that means that the – that you don’t really ascribe – if there really was such a threat, you don’t ascribe much credibility to it?

    MS. HARF: I’m not – I wouldn’t – I would caution you from inferring anything, I guess. What I would say is that I’m not going to comment on this alleged piece of intelligence and that we will make decisions on our posts on a day-by-day basis on a variety of information. Again, nothing to announce in terms of Baghdad.

    QUESTION: Right, except that you said “nothing to announce,” and then you say you’re not going to comment on this one --

    MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.

    QUESTION: -- alleged threat. But then you point to the fact that there hasn’t been any change in posture in Iraq.

    MS. HARF: Right. There hasn’t.

    QUESTION: So if you’re not trying to make us or lead us to infer --

    MS. HARF: I’m just stating a couple of facts.

    QUESTION: -- anything --

    MS. HARF: I’m just stating a couple of facts, Matt. You can infer what you like from it, but I’m just stating the fact that there’s been no change in Baghdad and that I’m not going to comment one way or the other on that report.
    An attack on Syria solves nothing.  It will cost lives, it will cost dollars.  US Labor Against The War carries the following from the National Priorities Project:
    Northampton, MA – As federal lawmakers and the American people grapple with the possibility of U.S. military intervention in Syria, National Priorities Project (NPP) announces the release of a new interactive tool tracking the Cost of National Security. The site features counters displaying the real-time cost of U.S. military programs, including the Tomahawk Cruise Missile – the weapon to be used in a strike on Syria.
    Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Will Cost Taxpayers $36,000 Every Hour in 2013
    “In 2013, the Pentagon already plans to purchase 200 Tomahawk missiles for a total cost to U.S. taxpayers of $320 million in just one year, or over $36,000 every hour,” said Jo Comerford, Executive Director at NPP. “That cost would spike if we ultimately fired hundreds of missiles at Syria, as we did in Libya.” In 2011, U.S. forces fired 110 Tomahawk missiles in the first hour of the strike on Libya. That conflict cost the nation upwards of $1 billion.
    In addition to the Tomahawk, the new Cost of National Security site displays rolling counters tracking the cost per hour of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the entire Department of Defense, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, Foreign Military Aid, and Homeland Security.
    The site also allows users to see the local cost of these programs for 9,900 cities and towns, and every state, Congressional District, and county in the nation. In tandem with NPP’s Trade-Offs tool, users can see what their city or town could have bought instead – from police officers to school teachers to Pell grants.
    Impossible to Predict the Cost of Intervention in Syria
    “Back in 2003, Bush administration officials projected $60 billion as a high-end estimate for the Iraq war,” said Mattea Kramer, NPP’s Research Director. “A decade later, the cost of the Iraq war has exceeded $800 billion – including $7 billion this year. Bottom line, right now, it’s impossible to know if military intervention in Syria will cost the U.S. $100 million or hundreds of billions.”
    Little Support for Military Intervention
    According to recent polling, only 26 percent of Americans support military intervention in Syria, while 40 percent favor humanitarian assistance instead. In addition to military-related spending, Cost of National Security tracks humanitarian aid and spending on a host of domestic programs. Said Comerford, “National Priorities Project created Cost of National Security to provoke a national debate about what it takes to be a secure nation.”

    Jo Comerford
    Executive Director
    National Priorities Project
    243 King Street, Suite 109
    Northampton, MA 01060
    413.584.9556 w
    413.559.1649 c

    Isabel Coles and Peg Mackey (Reuters) report, "Baghdad and foreign oil companies at work in Iraq's giant oilfields are adopting extra security measures in anticipation of retaliatory attacks if the United States strikes neighbouring Syria, industry sources said on Friday."  Again, an attack on Syria solves nothing.  As Amria Mohsen (Huffington Post UK) observes:

    Most importantly, we must question what the outcome of any strike on Syria would be. One would think it would be enough to see the carnage that this kind of adventurism inflicted on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. A succession of "wars on terror" and operations to "bring democracy" to Afghanistan has seen the country literally razed to the ground. Libya still remains in total chaos, whilst Iraq undoubtedly represents the greatest human tragedy of our time. Estimates put the death toll at between 100,000 and one million, with some as high as 2.7 million - again a bitter war of numbers that totally disregards the suffering inflicted upon the country. One would be remiss not to mention the effects that "humanitarian intervention" had on the city of Fallujah where the "toxic legacy of the US assault" - where there is, ironically, evidence that the US used chemical weapons - was considered, by international studies, to be "worse than Hiroshima."
    Some will speak of the Syrian refugees.  They're not the only refugees in the world.  The Iraq refugee crisis continues -- internally and externally.  On internals, All Iraq News reports Parliamentary Emigration Committee Chair Liqa Wardi declared today that 110 families in Anbar Province had fled due to the violence.  National Iraqi News Agency reports Parliament's Foreign Relations Committee Chair Homam Hamoudi declared today that a military strike on Syria will not help anything and that the answer is to hold a Geneva II Conference to work towards peace.
    But if, for example, your goal, like David Kilgour's, is regime change in Iran, you want war on Syria.  And it's in that context, not humanitarian concern, that Bomb-Bomb-Bomb-Iran John McCain's support for war on Syria really makes sense.
    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee bill (giving the White House everything it asked for) makes no sense either when you examine it.  Vote Vets' Jon Soltz (Huffington Post) points out:
    Sixty-six American troops killed. Two hundred ninety-five Wounded in Action.
    Are those numbers from an American combat operation? Not according to our government, which said they, and the other 50,000 troops in Iraq (which included me), were part of the "official end to Operation Iraqi Freedom and combat operations," under Operation New Dawn, after August 2010.
    I thought back to that, today, as I read about one very interesting line in the Senate resolution authorizing military action in Syria, which passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Most in the media, and on the Hill, talk about how the resolution disallows American troops on the ground. That isn't true. What the bill says is, "The authority granted in section 2 does not authorize the use of the United States Armed Forces on the ground in Syria for the purpose of combat operations."
    That is key. Officially, those 66 Americans killed, and 295 wounded in Iraq were not part of combat operations, either. Yet, for those of us on the ground, we knew they very much were.
    Whenever we send troops to the kind of asymmetrical battlefield that we had in Iraq, and would definitely see in Syria, they are automatically combat troops. They can face attack at any time, and would have to respond appropriately, at any time. To say they will be in any kind of safe-zone, away from combat, is naïve.
    Jes Burns:  The US continued its domestic and international push for military intervention in Syria today.  Peace activists across the globe, from Cairo to Kuala Lumpur, have been marching and holding rallies to oppose military involvement.  And organizers intend to keep up the pressure - more protests are scheduled today and over the weekend.  FSRN’s Mark Taylor-Canfield has more from Seattle.

    Mark Taylor-Canfield:  Demonstrations are being held today in Tokyo, Honolulu, San Francisco, and Seattle to show opposition to a proposed US military strike on Syria.  The latest opinion polls show that the majority of Americans are opposed to military intervention. Activists will be gathering in downtown Seattle to hold a rally and march, and in San Francisco protesters planned to converge on Market Street during rush hour.  Protests are also being organized in Asheville, North Carolina, Tuscon, Arizona and dozens of other US cities.  Activists in Seattle are also organizing a benefit to raise funds for Syrian war refugees. According to the Interoccupy website, more than 250 rallies and direct actions for peace in Syria have been scheduled since reports of a chemical weapons attack emerged.  Mark Taylor-Canfield, FSRN, Seattle.
    The  International Action Center and A.N.S.W.E.R.  are organizing a series of protests:
    Now is the time for the people to step up pressure on Congress and demand that they vote NO to any resolution authorizing a military attack on Syria.

    On Saturday, September 7, people are descending on Washington, D.C., for a major demonstration that will assemble at the White House and march on the Capitol Building as Congress returns to Washington, D.C., and prepares to vote. This demonstration is initiated by a broad ad hoc coalition called the Vote No War Against Syria Coalition. If you or your organization would like to be an endorser of the Sept. 7 demonstration, email

    Those who can will stay over in Washington for daily demonstrations, and to maintain a round-the-clock visible anti-war presence at the U.S. Capitol building beginning Saturday, September 7 and continuing daily as Congress meets to take up and vote on the resolution.

    Syria shares a border with  Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and Iraq.  It's largest border is the eastern border, where Syria and Iraq meet.  Asia News reports:

    War "is a terrible experience" that "we have already had" and therefore "we feel a lot closer" to Syria," said Mar Raphael Louis Sako. Speaking to AsiaNews, the Chaldean patriarch called on the bishops, priests and faithful of Iraq "to fast for peace in Syria and the Middle East."
    Stressing "the suffering" of the Syrian people, His Beatitude said, "We saw a similar thing ten years ago." From hindsight, after the United States-led war in 2003 ended in Saddam Hussein's fall, "we have had neither democracy nor freedom." Instead, "confusion and security are getting worse. . . . Every day, more people die in Iraq."

    Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has proposed an eight-point peace plan for Syria.  Iraqi Spring MC notes that before Nouri can resolve the crisis in Syria, he first needs to resolve the crises in Iraq.  Iraqi Spring MC is the protest movement's media outlet.  Protests have been continuous in Iraq since December 21stTom Peterson (Christian Science Monitor) reports of last Saturday's protests:

    Many Iraqis are worried that democracy, never firmly rooted here, is sliding away from their country. On Saturday, Iraq’s security forces stopped demonstrators from protesting against the parliament’s pension program, which activists say is excessive. In Baghdad, police closed off several main roads and bridges to stop protesters from reaching designated gathering places.
    Despite the prohibition, hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in several cities where protest leaders say police beat and arrested some participants. Iraqi officials said they forbade the protests because a large gathering would have been susceptible to a terrorist attack.
    “We were expecting big support from the government, because we saw the government on the media in favor of pension reforms, but instead, they beat some of our friends and arrested them. It’s shocking,” says Akeel Ahmad, a protester who could not reach the demonstration due to police checkpoints.
    The ban on Saturday’s protests is the latest evidence of growing authoritarianism in Iraq.
    Nouri has actively attempted to shut down the protests -- including by attacking them.  The most infamous attack would be the April 23rd massacre of a sit-in in Hawija which resulted from  Nouri's federal forces storming in.  Alsumaria noted Kirkuk's Department of Health (Hawija is in Kirkuk)  announced 50 activists have died and 110 were injured in the assault.   AFP reported the death toll rose to 53. UNICEF noted that the dead included 8 children (twelve more were injured).  While slaughtering peaceful demonstrators in public, Nouri lobbied in private to shut down the protests.  Ali Mamouri (Al-Monitor) reports:
    In previous protests and in the latest one as well, the Iraqi government resorted to religious authorities to issue fatwas that forbade participation in protests, under the pretext of tough conditions in the region and in Iraq specifically.
    However, Najaf’s four authorities rejected this demand and criticized the government. The latter had previously succeeded in obtaining fatwas from figures close to Iran, including Sheikh Muhammad Mahdi al-Asefi, the official representative of Khaminei in Iraq, and Muhammad Kazem al-Haeri, who is close to the Iranian leadership. Both issued fatwas warning people not to take to the streets, thus stirring even more distress.
    The government made yet another attempt, when it sent a special delegation including prominent figures in the Islamic Dawa Party and the government, like Sheikh Abdel Halim Zuheiri, special adviser to the Iraqi prime minister, and Tareq Najem, former director of the prime minister’s office. A source close to the office of Muhammad Said al-Hakim told Al-Monitor that the latter received the delegation after Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani refused — a sign of anger toward the government’s constant failure and massive corruption.
    According to the source, Zuheiri expressed his concern regarding the protests that are being organized by activists from several cities in Iraq and asked Hakim to assist in halting them. However, Hakim strongly opposed Zuheiri in this regard and censured the Iraqi government, asking Zuheiri, “Why didn’t you respond to the demands of the protesters instead of trying to stop protests, which are a legitimate right for everyone?”
    Sistani’s official representative, Seyyed Ahmad Safi, proceeded with his criticism for the failure and corruption of the government during the Friday prayer ceremony in Karbala. Moreover, he supported the protests that were meant to be held on the following day and asked the Iraqi government to implement a clear plan to solve the situation, in case it was sincere in its attempts to overcome the current problems. Sistani had supported the demands of the protesters in the past and described them as legitimate, while asking the Iraqi government to respond to them through providing services and security and canceling any unaccepted privileges that the MPs and ministers granted themselves.

    Despite Nouri's repeated attempts to kill the movement, protests continue in Iraq. Protests continue in Iraq.  Iraqi Spring MC notes protests took place in AmeriyaJalawla, Baji, Mosul, Baquba, Ramadi, and Baghdad.  In Babylon, Iraqi Spring MC reports Nouri's thugs have grabbed three preachers and nine worshipers. 
    Turning to the US where's there no end to the revelations regarding Barack Obama's illegal spying programs. Joseph Menn (Reuters) reports, "The U.S. National Security Agency has secretly developed the ability to crack or circumvent commonplace Internet encryption used to protect everything from email to financial transactions, according to media reports citing documents obtained by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden."  Jon Healy (Los Angeles Times) offers this call:

    The latest Edward Snowden-powered exposé published by the New York Times, ProPublica and the Guardian is, to me, the most frightening. It reveals that the National Security Agency has moved beyond its historic role as a code-breaker to become a saboteur of the encryption systems. Its work has allegedly weakened the scrambling not just of terrorists' emails but also bank transactions, medical records and communications among coworkers.

    How bad is it?  CNN explains:

    According to the reports, the NSA, alongside its UK equivalent, Government Communications Headquarters, better known as GCHQ, has been able to unscramble much of the encoding that protects everything from personal e-mails to banking systems, medical records and Internet chats.

    The agencies' methods include the use of supercomputers to crack codes, covert measures to introduce weaknesses into encryption standards and behind-doors collaboration with technology companies and internet service providers themselves.

    That's a lot of new information to absorb and sometimes the best way to understand new information is for it to be broken down into a discussion.  Yesterday evening, on KPFA's Flashpoints, guest host Kevin Pina explored the latest revelations with The Bill of Rights Defense Committee's Shahid Buttar:

    Kevin Pina:  Well, Shahid, am I right in saying that people should not be complacent just because we're getting -- sort of getting used to the news now?  That we should still be concerned about this?

    Shahid Buttar: Absolutely.   You know, every day, more trickles out.  And the latest revelations that the NSA and its British counterparts have essentially cracked commercially available encryption codes has dramatic implications for everything from online commerce to our most private communications.  And it is absolutely essential that the American people stay very loud and engaged to force a long overdue change and for us to restore fundamental rights.

    Kevin Pina:  Well so what does this mean that they've cracked basic encryption codes?  It means that no data can ever be secure now?

    Shahid Buttar: For all intents and purposes.  There are some strong versions of encryption that remain, at the moment, uncracked by the NSA.  But one of the implications of today's revelations is that the NSA is much further along in its crypto-analysis project to essentially de-encrypt everything than anyone at this point had realized.  There was a famous  saga from the 90s, the crypto-wars, when essentially Silicon Valley  had essentially outflanked the Pentagon and now the tides have changed and until the latest revelations no one had even realized that that had happened.

    Kevin Pina:  Well I'm also wondering, you know, there's a G-20 that's going on now and you know if it weren't for Syria pushing it off the board now, Edward Snowden would probably be high up there on the list of what Russia and the United States would be discussing.  But with Syria, there's no peep whatsoever about it, just a few mentions here and there.  But Edward Snowden did a great contribution.  Did he not make a great contribution to our understanding of exactly the full extent of NSA spying on its own citizens?

    Shahid Buttar:  No question.  Absolutely.  An enormous contribution.  The only quibble I would have is we still don't know the full extent and even the entire corpus of his disclosures would not itself about the latest revelations was the fact that the NSA describes American consumers as "adversaries"  and has worked not only to rig the international encryption standards to suit its own ends and also collaborated in secret with the tech companies to engineer vulnerabilities into their own commercially available programs but also that they'd actually employed spies -- human intelligence operatives into the tech companies which is deeply disturbing.  And the fact that all of this is happening in secret yet still available to contractors -- like Edward Snowden -- is especially disturbing.  It's disturbing in a lot of different directions.  The idea that we, the American people are paying our tax dollars to an agency that regards us as adversaries is certainly a problem in itself.

     So the selfish (and criminal) actions of the NSA have put the entire internet at risk?  Yes.  James Ball, Julian Borger and Glenn Greenwald (Guardian) report:

    "Backdoors are fundamentally in conflict with good security," said Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist and senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union. "Backdoors expose all users of a backdoored system, not just intelligence agency targets, to heightened risk of data compromise." This is because the insertion of backdoors in a software product, particularly those that can be used to obtain unencrypted user communications or data, significantly increases the difficulty of designing a secure product."
    This was a view echoed in a recent paper by Stephanie Pell, a former prosecutor at the US Department of Justice and non-resident fellow at the Center for Internet and Security at Stanford Law School.
    "[An] encrypted communications system with a lawful interception back door is far more likely to result in the catastrophic loss of communications confidentiality than a system that never has access to the unencrypted communications of its users," she states.

    AMY GOODMAN:  Glenn, welcome back to Democracy Now! We haven’t spoken to you since your partner, David Miranda, was held at Heathrow for nine hours, the airport in Britain, and we want to get to that. But first, talk about the significance of this latest exposé that both The Guardian, The New York Times and ProPublica have published today.

    GLENN GREENWALD: First of all, I think there’s significance just in the partnership itself. It’s very unusual for three media organizations to work so closely on a story of this magnitude. And that happened because the U.K. government tried forcibly to prevent The Guardian from reporting on these documents by pressuring The Guardian editor-in-chief in London, Alan Rusbridger, to destroy the hard drives of The Guardian which contained these materials, which is why they ended up making their way to The New York Times and ProPublica. So I think it clearly backfired, now that there are other media organizations, including probably the most influential in the world, The New York Times, now vested in reporting on the story.

    The significance of the story itself, I think, is easy to see. When people hear encryption, they often think about what certain people who are very interested in maintaining the confidentiality of their communications use, whether it be lawyers talking to their clients, human rights activists dealing with sensitive matters, people working against oppressive governments. And those people do use encryption, and it’s extremely important that it be safeguarded. And the fact that the NSA is trying to not only break it for themselves, but to make it weaker and put backdoors into all these programs makes all of those very sensitive communications vulnerable to all sorts of people around the world, not just the NSA, endangering human rights activists and democracy activists and lawyers and their clients and a whole variety of other people engaged in sensitive work.

    But encryption is much more than that. Encryption is really the system that lets the Internet function as an important commercial instrument all around the world. It’s what lets you enter your credit card number, check your banking records, buy and sell things online, get your medical tests online, engage in private communications. It’s what protects the sanctity of the Internet. And what these documents show is not just that the NSA is trying to break the codes of encryption to let them get access to everything, but they’re forcing the companies that provide the encryption services to put backdoors into their programs, which means, again, that not only the NSA, but all sorts of hackers and other governments and all kinds of ill-motivated people, can have a weakness to exploit, a vulnerability to exploit, in these systems, which makes the entire Internet insecure for everybody. And the fact that it’s all being done as usual with no transparency or accountability makes this very newsworthy.

    JUAN GONZÁLEZ: But, Glenn, going back to the mid-1990s in the Clinton administration, when the government tried to establish these backdoors into communications on the Internet, there was a public debate and a rejection of this. What has happened since then now in terms of how the NSA operates?

    GLENN GREENWALD: Right, it’s interesting. If you go back to the mid-'90s, that debate was really spawned by the attack on Oklahoma City, which the Clinton administration—on the Oklahoma City courthouse by Timothy McVeigh, which the Clinton administration immediately exploited to try and demand that every single form of computer security or human communication on the Internet be vulnerable to government intrusion, that it all—that there be no encryption to which the governments didn't have the key. And as you said, a combination of public backlash and industry pressure led to a rejection of that proposal, and the industries were particularly incensed by it, because they said if you put backdoors into this technology, it will make it completely vulnerable. If anyone gets that key, if anybody figures out how to crack it, it will mean that there’s no security anymore on the Internet.

    And so, since the NSA and the U.S. government couldn’t get its way that way, what they’ve done instead is they resorted to covert means to infiltrate these companies, to pressure and coerce them, to provide the very backdoors that they failed to compel through legislation and through public debate and accountability. And that is what this story essentially reveals, is that the entire system is now being compromised by the NSA and their British counterpart, the GCHQ, systematic efforts to ensure that there is no form of human commerce, human electronic communication, that is ever invulnerable to their prying eyes. And again, the danger is not just that they get into all of our transactions and human communications, but that they are making it much easier for all kinds of other entities to do the same thing.





    Thursday, September 05, 2013

    Barack, stop using my tax dollars to fund al Qaeda!

    Professor Michel Chossudovsky (Global Research) has a very interesting report which opens:

    Americans have been repeatedly told that Al Qaeda under the helm of the late Osama bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
    Formulated in the wake of the tragic events of september 11, 2001, the U.S. and its allies launched a “Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT) directed against the numerous “jihadist” Al Qaeda affiliated terror formations in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and South East Asia. The first stage of the “Global War on Terrorism” was the bombing and invasion of Afghanistan.

    In the wake of 9/11, the” Global War on Terrorism” served to obfuscate the real economic and strategic objectives behind the US-led wars in the Middle East and Central Asia.
    The Patriot legislation was implemented. The national security doctrine stated unequivocally that the American Homeland was to be protected against “Islamic terrorists”.
    For the last 13 years, war on terrorism rhetoric has permeated political discourse at all levels of government. Al Qaeda related threats and occurrences are explained –by politicians, the corporate media, Hollywood and the Washington think tanks– under a single blanket “bad guys” heading, in which Al Qaeda (“the outside enemy of America”) is casually and repeatedly pinpointed as “the cause” of numerous terror events around the World.
    But somehow, in the last few months, this  “Al Qaeda paradigm” has shifted. The American public has become increasingly skeptical regarding the validity of the “Global War on Terrorism”
    In recent months, with the unfolding events in Syria, something rather unusual has occurred, which has had a profound impact on the public’s perception and understanding of Obama’s “Global War on Terrorism”.
    The US government is actively and openly supporting Syria’s Al Nusrah, the main fighting force affiliated to al Qaeda, largely composed of foreign mercenaries.

    Tax dollars are relentlessly channeled to the “rebels”. In turn, Secretary of State John Kerry meets with rebel commanders who oversee the Al Qaeda affiliated entity.

    I'm getting real sick of this.  I look around and see libraries across the country losing hours (across the country? hell yeah, I'm in every state every year except Alaska) and yet we've got money to support al Qaeda?


    At Third Estate Sunday Review, we wrote "Barack teams up with al Qaeda" covering this topic:

    Yesterday, in the White House Rose Garden, US President Barack Obama again promised he would punish the Syrian government and support the 'rebels.' 

    The 'rebels' did not emerge recently.  Many Americans are familiar with them and with their work.


    As Robert Fisk (ZNet) pointed out last week:

    If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on the same side as al-Qa’ida.
    Quite an alliance! Was it not the Three Musketeers who shouted “All for one and one for all” each time they sought combat? This really should be the new battle cry if – or when – the statesmen of the Western world go to war against Bashar al-Assad.

    The men who destroyed so many thousands on 9/11 will then be fighting alongside the very nation whose innocents they so cruelly murdered almost exactly 12 years ago. Quite an achievement for Obama, Cameron, Hollande and the rest of the miniature warlords.

    Apparently unable to go back in time and become the 19th hijacker, Barack Obama's decided the thing to do is to back al Qaeda today. 

      Via the 9-11 Memorial, here is a list of those who died in the September 11th attacks:

    •  Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr., 32, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Edelmiro Abad, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Marie Rose Abad, 49, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Andrew Anthony Abate, 37, Melville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vincent Paul Abate, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Laurence Christopher Abel, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Alona Abraham, 30, Ashdod, Israel, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • William F. Abrahamson, 55, Westchester County, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard Anthony Aceto, 42, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann, 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Acquaviva, 29, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Christian Adams, 37, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Donald LaRoy Adams, 28, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Adams, 61, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.
    • Shannon Lewis Adams, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen George Adams, 51, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Ignatius Udo Adanga, 62, Bronx, N.Y., New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, World Trade Center.
    • Christy A. Addamo, 28, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Terence Edward Adderley, Jr., 22, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Sophia B. Addo, 36, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Lee Adler, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel Thomas Afflitto, 32, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah, 37, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Alok Agarwal, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mukul Kumar Agarwala, 37, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Agnello, 35, Belle Harbor, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • David Scott Agnes, 46, Port Washington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joao Alberto da Fonseca Aguiar, Jr., 30, Hoboken, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian G. Ahearn, 43, Huntington, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jeremiah Joseph Ahern, 74, New Jersey, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Joanne Marie Ahladiotis, 27, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Shabbir Ahmed, 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Terrance Andre Aiken, 30, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Godwin O. Ajala, 33, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center, died 9/15/01.
    • Trudi M. Alagero, 37, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Andrew Alameno, 37, Westfield, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Margaret Ann Alario, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.
    • Gary M. Albero, 39, Emerson, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Jon Leslie Albert, 46, Upper Nyack, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Peter Craig Alderman, 25, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.
    • Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge-Frederick, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • David D. Alger, 57, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Ernest Alikakos, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Edward L. Allegretto, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Eric Allen, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Ryan Allen, 39, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Dennis Allen, 31, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Richard L. Allen, 30, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Christopher E. Allingham, 36, River Edge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Anna S. W. Allison, 48, Stoneham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Janet Marie Alonso, 41, Stony Point, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Alvarado, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Antonio Javier Alvarez, 23, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Victoria Alvarez-Brito, 38, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Telmo E. Alvear, 25, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Cesar Amoranto Alviar, 60, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Tariq Amanullah, 40, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Angelo Amaranto, 60, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • James M. Amato, 43, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Amatuccio, 41, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Paul W. Ambrose, 32, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Christopher Charles Amoroso, 29, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Craig Scott Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Kazuhiro Anai, 42, Scarsdale, N.Y., Nishi-Nippon Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Calixto Anaya, Jr., 35, Suffern, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph P. Anchundia, 26, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Kermit Charles Anderson, 57, Green Brook, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Yvette Constance Anderson, 53, New York City, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • John Jack Andreacchio, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Rourke Andrews, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jean Ann Andrucki, 43, Hoboken, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Siew-Nya Ang, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Angelini, Sr., 63, Lindenhurst, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph John Angelini, Jr., 38, Lindenhurst, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • David Lawrence Angell, 54, Providence, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Lynn Edwards Angell, 52, Cape Cod, Mass. and Pasadena, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Laura Angilletta, 23, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Doreen J. Angrisani, 44, Ridgewood, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Lorraine Antigua, 32, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Seima David Aoyama, 48, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Paul Apollo, 26, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Faustino Apostol, Jr., 55, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Michael Aranyos, 26, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • David Gregory Arce, 36, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael George Arczynski, 45, New Jersey, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Louis Arena, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Barbara Jean Arestegui, 38, Marstons Mills, Mass. and Hawthorne, Calif., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Adam P. Arias, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Michael J. Armstrong, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jack Charles Aron, 52, Bergenfield, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joshua Todd Aron, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Avery Aronow, 48, Mahwah, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Myra Joy Aronson, 50, Charlestown, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Japhet Jesse Aryee, 49, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Carl Francis Asaro, 37, Middletown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael A. Asciak, 47, Ridgefield, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Edward Asher, 53, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Janice Marie Ashley, 25, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Thomas J. Ashton, 21, Woodside, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan contractor from Denino Electric Construction Corp., International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.
    • Manuel O. Asitimbay, 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Gregg A. Atlas, 44, Howells, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Gerald Thomas Atwood, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • James Audiffred, 38, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Louis F. Aversano, Jr., 58, Manalapan, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Ezra Aviles, 41, Commack, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Sandy Ayala, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Arlene T. Babakitis, 47, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Eustace R. Bacchus, 48, Metuchen, N.J., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.
    • John J. Badagliacca, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jane Ellen Baeszler, 43, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert J. Baierwalter, 44, Albertson, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from FM Global, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew J. Bailey, 29, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brett T. Bailey, 28, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Garnet Ace Bailey, 53, Lynnfield, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Tatyana Bakalinskaya, 43, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Michael S. Baksh, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Sharon M. Balkcom, 43, White Plains, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Andrew Bane, 33, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Katherine Bantis, 44, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gerard Baptiste, 35, Riverdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Walter Baran, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Gerard A. Barbara, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Vincent Barbaro, 35, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James William Barbella, 53, Oceanside, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Victor Daniel Barbosa, 23, Bronx, N.Y., Top of the World, World Trade Center.
    • Christine Johnna Barbuto, 32, Brookline, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Colleen Ann Barkow, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David Michael Barkway, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Matthew Barnes, 37, Monroe, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Virginia, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Sheila Patricia Barnes, 55, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Evan Jay Baron, 38, Bridgewater, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Renee Barrett-Arjune, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center, died 10/14/01.
    • Arthur Thaddeus Barry, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Diane G. Barry, 60, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Maurice Vincent Barry, 48, Rutherford, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Scott D. Bart, 28, Malverne, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Carlton W. Bartels, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Guy Barzvi, 29, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Inna B. Basina, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Alysia Christine Burton Basmajian, 23, Bayonne, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kenneth William Basnicki, 48, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from BEA Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Steven Joseph Bates, 42, Glendale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Paul James Battaglia, 22, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • W. David Bauer, 45, Rumson, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista, 24, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Marlyn Capito Bautista, 46, Iselin, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Mark Lawrence Bavis, 31, Roslindale, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Jasper Baxter, 45, Lee Hecht Harrison, World Trade Center.
    • Lorraine G. Bay, 58, East Windsor, N.J., Flight Crew, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Michele Beale, 38, Essex, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • Todd M. Beamer, 32, Cranbury, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Paul Frederick Beatini, 40, Park Ridge, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Jane S. Beatty, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Alan Anthony Beaven, 48, Oakland, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Lawrence Ira Beck, 38, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Manette Marie Beckles, 43, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Carl John Bedigian, 35, College Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Ernest Beekman, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York Stock Exchange, World Trade Center.
    • Maria A. Behr, 41, Milford, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Max J. Beilke, 69, Laurel, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Yelena Belilovsky, 38, Mamaroneck, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Nina Patrice Bell, 39, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Debbie S. Bellows, 31, East Windsor, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Elliot Belson, 51, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Paul M. Benedetti, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Denise Lenore Benedetto, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Bryan Craig Bennett, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Eric L. Bennett, 29, Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.
    • Oliver Bennett, 29, New York, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • Margaret L. Benson, 52, Rockaway, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Dominick J. Berardi, 25, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James Patrick Berger, 44, Yardley, Pa., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Steven Howard Berger, 45, Manalapan, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • John P. Bergin, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Alvin Bergsohn, 48, Baldwin Harbor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel David Bergstein, 38, Teaneck, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Graham Andrew Berkeley, 37, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Michael J. Berkeley, 38, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Donna M. Bernaerts, 44, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • David W. Bernard, 57, Chelmsford, Mass., World Trade Center, died 12/11/01.
    • William H. Bernstein, 44, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David M. Berray, 39, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference, World Trade Center.
    • David Shelby Berry, 43, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph John Berry, 55, Saddle River, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • William Reed Bethke, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Yeneneh Betru, 35, Burbank, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Timothy D. Betterly, 42, Little Silver, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Carolyn Mayer Beug, 48, Santa Monica, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Edward Frank Beyea, 42, Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Michael Beyer, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Anil Tahilram Bharvaney, 41, New Jersey, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Instinet, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Bella J. Bhukhan, 24, Union, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Shimmy D. Biegeleisen, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Alexander Bielfeld, 44, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • William G. Biggart, 54, New York City, World Trade Center.
    • Brian Eugene Bilcher, 37, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Bingham, 31, New York City, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Carl Vincent Bini, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Gary Eugene Bird, 51, Tempe, Ariz., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joshua David Birnbaum, 24, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • George John Bishop, 52, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, Md., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Jeffrey Donald Bittner, 27, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Albert Balewa Blackman, Jr., 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Joseph Blackwell, 42, Patterson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Carrie Rosetta Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Susan Leigh Blair, 35, East Brunswick, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Harry Blanding, Jr., 38, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Janice Lee Blaney, 55, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Craig Michael Blass, 27, Greenlawn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Rita Blau, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Middleton Blood, Jr., 38, Ridgewood, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Andrew Boccardi, 30, Bronxville, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • John Paul Bocchi, 38, New Vernon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael L. Bocchino, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Susan M. Bochino, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Deora Frances Bodley, 20, Santa Clara, Calif., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Bruce Douglas Boehm, 49, West Hempstead, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Nicholas Andrew Bogdan, 34, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Darren Christopher Bohan, 34, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Lawrence Francis Boisseau, 36, World Trade Center Fire Safety, World Trade Center.
    • Vincent M. Boland, Jr., 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Touri Hamzavi Bolourchi, 62, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Alan Bondarenko, 53, Raritan, N.J., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.
    • Andre Bonheur, Jr., 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.
    • Colin Arthur Bonnett, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Frank J. Bonomo, 42, Port Jefferson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Yvonne Lucia Bonomo, 30, Jackson Heights, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.
    • Sean Booker, Sr., 35, Newark, N.J., Xerox Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Kelly Ann Booms, 24, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Canfield D. Boone, United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Mary Jane Booth, 64, Falls Church, Va., Flight Crew, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Sherry Ann Bordeaux, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Krystine Bordenabe, 33, Old Bridge, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jerry J. Borg, 63, World Trade Center, died 12/15/10.
    • Martin Michael Boryczewski, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Edward Bosco, 34, Suffern, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald visitor from Citibank, World Trade Center.
    • Klaus Bothe, 31, Linkenheim, Germany, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Carol Marie Bouchard, 43, Warwick, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • J. Howard Boulton, 29, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Albert De Martini, 49, Brooklyn, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Jose Nicolas De Pena, 42, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Melanie Louise de Vere, 30, London, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • William Thomas Dean, 35, Floral Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert J. DeAngelis, Jr., 47, Washington Group International, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Patrick DeAngelis, 51, Westbury, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Ana Gloria Pocasangre Debarrera, 49, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Tara E. Debek, 36, Babylon, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • James D. Debeuneure, 58, Upper Marlboro, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Anna M. DeBin, 30, Farmingdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James V. DeBlase, Jr., 45, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul DeCola, 39, Ridgewood, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Gerald F. DeConto, 44, Alexandria, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Simon Marash Dedvukaj, 26, Mohegan Lake, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jason Christopher DeFazio, 29, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Laura Lee Defazio Morabito, 34, Framingham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • David A. DeFeo, 36, Fresh Meadows, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Monique Effie DeJesus, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Manuel Del Valle, Jr., 32, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Donald Arthur Delapenha, 37, Allendale, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Vito Joseph DeLeo, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Danielle Anne Delie, 47, New York, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph A. Della Pietra, 24, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Andrea DellaBella, 59, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Palmina DelliGatti, 33, Long Island City, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Colleen Ann Deloughery, 41, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph DeLuca, 52, Ledgewood, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Anthony Demas, 61, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Martin N. DeMeo, 47, Farmingville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Deming, 47, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Carol Keyes Demitz, 49, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin Dennis, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Francis Dennis, Sr., 43, Setauket, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jean C. DePalma, 42, West Milford, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert John Deraney, 43, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference, World Trade Center.
    • Michael DeRienzo, 35, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David Paul DeRubbio, 38, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jemal Legesse DeSantis, 28, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Christian Louis DeSimone, 23, Ringwood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Edward DeSimone III, 36, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew J. Desperito, 43, East Patchogue, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Cindy Ann Deuel, 28, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jerry DeVito, 66, Riverdale, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert P. Devitt, Jr., 36, Plainsboro, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Lawrence Devlin, 51, Washingtonville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Gerard P. Dewan, 35, Rockaway Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Sulemanali Kassamali Dhanani, 32, Hartsdale, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Patricia Florence Di Chiaro, 63, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Debra Ann Di Martino, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Di Pilato, 57, Staten Island, N.Y., Morgan Stanley contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Louis DiAgostino, 41, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Matthew Diaz, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.
    • Nancy Diaz, 28, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Obdulio Ruiz Diaz, 44, Bronx Builders, World Trade Center.
    • Michael A. Diaz-Piedra III, 49, Washington Township, N.J., Bank of New York, World Trade Center, died 9/30/01.
    • Judith Berquis Diaz-Sierra, 32, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Rodney Dickens, 11, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Jerry D. Dickerson, 41, Springfield, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Joseph Dermot Dickey, Jr., 50, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Lawrence Patrick Dickinson, 35, Marlboro, N.J., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael D. Diehl, 48, Brick, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • John Difato, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vincent Francis DiFazio, 43, Hunterdon County, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Carl Anthony DiFranco, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Donald Joseph DiFranco, 43, Brooklyn, N.Y., WABC-TV, World Trade Center.
    • Eddie A. Dillard, 54, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • David DiMeglio, 22, Wakefield, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Patrick Dimino, 48, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • William John Dimmling, 47, Garden City, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Christopher More Dincuff, 31, Jersey City, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Mark Dingle, 32, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Encompys, World Trade Center.
    • Rena Sam Dinnoo, 28, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Dionisio, 38, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • George DiPasquale, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Douglas Frank DiStefano, 24, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Donald Americo DiTullio, 49, Peabody, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Ramzi A. Doany, 35, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Johnnie Doctor, Jr., 32, Washington, D.C., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • John Joseph Doherty, 58, Hartsdale, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Melissa CDandida Doi, 32, Throgs Neck, N.Y., IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brendan Dolan, 37, Glen Rock, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert E. Dolan, Jr., 43, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Neil Matthew Dollard, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James Domanico, 56, Douglaston, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Benilda Pascua Domingo, 37, Philippines, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Alberto Dominguez, 66, New South Wales, Australia, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Carlos Dominguez, 34, East Meadow, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez, 37, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin W. Donnelly, 43, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jacqueline Donovan, 34, Lynbrook, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • William H. Donovan, 37, Alexandria, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Stephen Scott Dorf, 39, New Milford, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Dowd, 37, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin Christopher Dowdell, 46, Breezy Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Yolanda Dowling, 46, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Raymond Matthew Downey, Sr., 63, Deer Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Frank Joseph Doyle, 39, Englewood, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Michael Doyle, 25, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Randall L. Drake, 37, Lee's Summit, Mo., Siemens AG, World Trade Center, died 9/22/01.
    • Patrick Joseph Driscoll, 70, Englishtowne, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Stephen Patrick Driscoll, 38, Lake Carmel, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Charles A. Droz III, 52, Springfield, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Mirna A. Duarte, 30, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Luke A. Dudek, 50, Livingston, N.J., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Michael Duffy, 23, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gerard J. Duffy, 53, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Joseph Duffy, 29, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Thomas W. Duffy, 52, Pittsford, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Antoinette Duger, 44, Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Jackie Sayegh Duggan, 34, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Sareve Dukat, 53, New York City, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Dunn, 39, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Felicia Gail Dunn-Jones, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., World Trade Center, died 2/10/02.
    • Christopher Joseph Dunne, 28, Mineola, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard Anthony Dunstan, 54, New Providence, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Thomas Dwyer, 37, Nissequogue, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Anthony Eacobacci, 26, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Bruce Eagleson, 53, Middlefield, Conn., Westfield Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Edward T. Earhart, 26, Morehead, Ky., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Robert Douglas Eaton, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dean Phillip Eberling, 44, Cranford, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Margaret Ruth Echtermann, 33, Barneveld, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Robert Eckna, 28, West New York, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Constantine Economos, 41, Brooklyn, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Barbara G. Edwards, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Dennis Michael Edwards, 35, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Hardy Edwards, 33, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Christine Egan, 55, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Lisa Erin Egan, 31, Cliffside Park, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Martin J. Egan, Jr., 36, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Egan, 51, Middletown, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Samantha Martin Egan, 24, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Carole Eggert, 60, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Lisa Caren Ehrlich, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • John Ernst Eichler, 69, Cedar Grove, N.J., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Eric Adam Eisenberg, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Daphne Ferlinda Elder, 36, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael J. Elferis, 27, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Joseph Ellis, 26, South Huntington, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Valerie Silver Ellis, 46, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Albert Alfy William Elmarry, 30, North Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert R. Elseth, United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.
    • Edgar Hendricks Emery, Jr., 45, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Doris Suk-Yuen Eng, 30, Flushing, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Epps, 29, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Ulf Ramm Ericson, 79, Greenwich, Conn., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.
    • Erwin L. Erker, 41, Farmingdale, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • William John Erwin, 30, Verona, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sarah Ali Escarcega, 35, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • Jose Espinal, 31, World Trade Center.
    • Fanny Espinoza, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Billy Scoop Esposito, 51, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Bridget Ann Esposito, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Esposito, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael A. Esposito, 41, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Ruben Esquilin, Jr., 35, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Sadie Ette, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Barbara G. Etzold, 43, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Eric Brian Evans, 31, Norwich, Conn., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Edward Evans, 36, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Meredith Emily June Ewart, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Catherine K. Fagan, 58, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Patricia Mary Fagan, 55, Toms River, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks-Barbosa, 30, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Keith George Fairben, 24, Floral Park, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.
    • Sandra Fajardo-Smith, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Dana Falkenberg, 3, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Jamie L. Fallon, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • William F. Fallon, 53, Rocky Hill, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • William Lawrence Fallon, Jr., 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Anthony J. Fallone, Jr., 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dolores Brigitte Fanelli, 38, Farmingville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert John Fangman, 33, Chelsea, Mass., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • John Joseph Fanning, 54, West Hempstead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Kathleen Anne Faragher, 33, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Janus Capital Group, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas James Farino, 37, Bohemia, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Nancy C. Doloszycki Farley, 45, Jersey City, N.J., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.
    • Paige Marie Farley-Hackel, 46, Newton, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Elizabeth Ann Farmer, 62, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Douglas Jon Farnum, 33, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • John Gerard Farrell, 32, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John W. Farrell, 41, Basking Ridge, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Terrence Patrick Farrell, 45, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph D. Farrelly, 47, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Patrick Farrelly, 54, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Syed Abdul Fatha, 54, Newark, N.J., Pitney Bowes Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Edward Faughnan, 37, South Orange, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Wendy R. Faulkner, 47, Mason, Ohio, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Shannon Marie Fava, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Bernard D. Favuzza, 52, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Fazio, Jr., 41, Freeport, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Ronald Carl Fazio, Sr., 57, Closter, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • William M. Feehan, 71, Flushing, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Jude Feely, 41, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Garth Erin Feeney, 25, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.
    • Sean Bernard Fegan, 34, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Lee S. Fehling, 28, Wantagh, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Adam Feidelberg, 34, Hoboken, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Alan D. Feinberg, 48, Marlboro, N.J., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Rosa Maria Feliciano, 30, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Edward P. Felt, 41, Matawan, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Edward Thomas Fergus, Jr., 40, Wilton, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • George J. Ferguson III, 54, Teaneck, N.J., Westfalia Investments, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • J. Joseph Ferguson, 39, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Henry Fernandez, 23, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Judy Hazel Santillan Fernandez, 27, Parlin, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Julio Fernandez, 51, Hudson Shatz, World Trade Center.
    • Elisa Giselle Ferraina, 26, Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert John Ferris, 63, Garden City, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • David Francis Ferrugio, 46, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Louis V. Fersini, Jr., 38, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael David Ferugio, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Swett & Crawford Group, World Trade Center.
    • Bradley James Fetchet, 24, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jennifer Louise Fialko, 29, Teaneck, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Kristen Nicole Fiedel, 27, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Amelia V. Fields, 46, Dumfries, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Samuel Fields, 36, Summit Security Services, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Alexander Milan Filipov, 70, Concord, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Bradley Finnegan, 37, Basking Ridge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Timothy J. Finnerty, 33, Glen Rock, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael C. Fiore, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen J. Fiorelli, 43, Aberdeen, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Paul M. Fiori, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John B. Fiorito, 40, Stamford, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John R. Fischer, 46, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew Fisher, 42, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Imagine Software, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Bennett Lawson Fisher, 58, Greenwich, Conn., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Gerald P. Fisher, 57, Potomac, Md., United States Army contractor, Pentagon.
    • John Roger Fisher, 46, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas J. Fisher, 36, Union, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Lucy A. Fishman, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Ryan D. Fitzgerald, 26, Floral Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas James Fitzpatrick, 35, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Richard P. Fitzsimons, 57, Lynbrook, N.Y., World Trade Center Fire Safety, World Trade Center.
    • Salvatore Fiumefreddo, 45, Manalapan, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.
    • Darlene E. Flagg, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Wilson F. Flagg, 62, Millwood, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Christina Donovan Flannery, 26, Middle Village, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Eileen Flecha, 33, Queens, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Andre G. Fletcher, 37, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Carl M. Flickinger, 38, Congers, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Matthew M. Flocco, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • John Joseph Florio, 33, Oceanside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Walkden Flounders, 46, East Stroudsburg, Pa., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Carol Ann Flyzik, 40, Plaistow, N.H., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • David Fodor, 38, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Michael N. Fodor, 53, Warwick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Mark Fogel, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas J. Foley, 32, Central Nyack, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jane C. Folger, 73, Bayonne, N.J., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • David J. Fontana, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Chih Min Foo, 40, Holmdel, N.J., New York Board of Trade, World Trade Center.
    • Delrose E. Forbes Cheatham, 48, Effort, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Godwin Forde, 38, Morgan Stanley contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Donald A. Foreman, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Hugh Forsythe, 44, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Claudia Alicia Foster, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Noel John Foster, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Sandra N. Foster, 41, Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.
    • Ana Fosteris, 58, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Joseph Foti, 42, Albertson, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Fox, 40, Cranbury, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Virginia Elizabeth Fox, 58, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Pauline Francis, 56, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Virgin Lucy Francis, 62, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Gary Jay Frank, 35, South Amboy, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Morton H. Frank, 31, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Christopher Frank, 29, New York City, Fred Alger
    • Milagros Hromada, 35, Flushing, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Marian R. Hrycak, 56, Flushing, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Huczko, Jr., 44, Bethlehem, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Kris Robert Hughes, 30, New York, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Paul Rexford Hughes, 38, Stamford, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert T. Hughes, Jr., 23, Sayreville, N.J., Bank of America Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas F. Hughes, Jr., 46, Spring Lake Heights, N.J., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Robert Hughes, 43, Madison, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Susan Huie, 43, Fairlawn, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Lamar Demetrius Hulse, 30, New York City, Marsh & McLennan, Advantage Security, World Trade Center.
    • John Nicholas Humber, Jr., 60, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • William Christopher Hunt, 32, Norwalk, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Kathleen Anne Hunt-Casey, 43, Middletown, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Gerard Hunter, 31, South Hempstead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Peggie M. Hurt, 36, Springfield, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Robert R. Hussa, 51, Roslyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Stephen N. Hyland, Jr., 46, Burke, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Robert J. Hymel, 55, Lake Ridge, Va., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.
    • Thomas Edward Hynes, 28, Norwalk, Conn., Thomson Financial/Vestek, World Trade Center.
    • Walter G. Hynes, 46, Belle Harbor, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Anthony Ianelli, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Zuhtu Ibis, 25, New Jersey, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jonathan Lee Ielpi, 29, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Patrick Iken, 37, Bronx, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel Ilkanayev, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Frederick J. Ill, Jr., 49, Pearl River, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz, 51, Brooklyn, N.Y., Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, World Trade Center.
    • Anthony P. Infante, Jr., 47, Chatham, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Louis S. Inghilterra, 45, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Noble Ingrassia, 28, Watchung, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Innella, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Stephanie Veronica Irby, 38, Jamaica, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Douglas Jason Irgang, 32, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Kristin Irvine-Ryan, 30, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Todd Antione Isaac, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Erik Hans Isbrandtsen, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Taizo Ishikawa, 50, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Waleed Joseph Iskandar, 34, London, England, United Kingdom, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Aram Iskenderian, Jr., 41, Merrick, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John F. Iskyan, 41, Wilton, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kazushige Ito, 35, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Aleksandr Valeryevich Ivantsov, 23, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Lacey Bernard Ivory, 42, Woodbridge, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Virginia May Jablonski, 49, Matawan, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Bryan C. Jack, 48, Alexandria, Va. and New York City, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Brooke Alexandra Jackman, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Aaron Jeremy Jacobs, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ariel Louis Jacobs, 29, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Caplin Systems, World Trade Center.
    • Jason Kyle Jacobs, 32, Randolph, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Michael G. Jacobs, 54, Danbury, Conn., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Steven A. Jacobson, 53, New York, WPIX, World Trade Center.
    • Steven D. Jacoby, 43, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Ricknauth Jaggernauth, 58, Brooklyn, N.Y., NTX Interiors, World Trade Center.
    • Jake Denis Jagoda, 24, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Yudhvir S. Jain, 54, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Maria Jakubiak, 40, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert Adrien Jalbert, 61, Swampscott, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Ernest James, 40, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gricelda E. James, 44, International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Steven Jardim, 39, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Zurich Scudder Investments, World Trade Center.
    • Amy Nicole Jarret, 28, North Smithfield, R.I., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Muhammadou Jawara, 30, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Francois Jean-Pierre, 58, Elmont, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Maxima Jean-Pierre, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Edward Jeffers, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Charles Jenkins, 45, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Jenkins, Jr., 47, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from Certified Moving & Storage Company, World Trade Center.
    • Alan Keith Jensen, 49, Wyckoff, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Prem Nath Jerath, 57, Edison, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Farah Jeudy, 32, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Hweidar Jian, 42, East Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Eliezer Jimenez, Jr., 38, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Luis Jimenez, Jr., 25, Queens, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Charles Gregory John, 44, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.
    • Nicholas John, 42, New York, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from JPMorgan Chase & Co., World Trade Center.
    • Dennis M. Johnson, 48, Virginia, United States Army, Pentagon.
    • LaShawna Johnson, 27, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.
    • Scott Michael Johnson, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • William R. Johnston, 31, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Allison Horstmann Jones, 31, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Arthur Joseph Jones III, 37, Ossining, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian Leander Jones, 44, Kew Gardens, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from International Business Machines Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Charles Edward Jones, 48, Bedford, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher D. Jones, 53, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Donald T. Jones II, 39, Livingston, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Donald W. Jones, 43, Fairless Hills, Pa., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Judith Lawter Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Va., United States Navy Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Linda Jones, 50, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Mary S. Jones, 72, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew Brian Jordan, Sr., 36, Remsenburg, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Thomas Jordan, 34, East Williston, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Albert Gunnis Joseph, 79, New York City, Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center, died 1/2/02.
    • Ingeborg Joseph, 53, Marriott guest, World Trade Center, died 10/9/01.
    • Karl Henry Joseph, 25, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Joseph, 39, Franklin Park, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Jane Eileen Josiah, 47, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Jovic, 39, Massapequa Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Angel L. Juarbe, Jr., 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Karen Sue Juday, 52, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ann C. Judge, 49, Great Falls, Va., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Mychal F. Judge, 68, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Paul William Jurgens, 47, Levittown, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Edward Jurgens, 26, Meadowmere Park, N.Y., New York State Unified Court System, World Trade Center.
    • Shashikiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba, 26, Bangalore, India, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wipro Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Gavkharoy Kamardinova, 26, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Amish Market, World Trade Center.
    • Shari Kandell, 27, Wyckoff, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Howard Lee Kane, 40, Hazlet, N.J., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Jennifer Lynn Kane, 26, Fairlawn, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Vincent D. Kane, 37, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Joon Koo Kang, 34, Riverdale, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sheldon Robert Kanter, 53, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Deborah H. Kaplan, 45, Paramus, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Robin Lynne Kaplan, 33, Westboro, Mass., , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Alvin Peter Kappelmann, Jr., 57, Green Brook, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from Royal & SunAlliance, World Trade Center.
    • Charles H. Karczewski, 34, Union, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • William A. Karnes, 37, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Douglas Gene Karpiloff, 53, Mamaroneck, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Charles L. Kasper, 54, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew K. Kates, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John A. Katsimatides, 31, Astoria, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Michael Kaulfers, 49, Kenilworth, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Don Jerome Kauth, Jr., 51, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Hideya Kawauchi, 36, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Edward T. Keane, 66, West Caldwell, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Richard M. Keane, 54, Wethersfield, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Lisa Yvonne Kearney-Griffin, 35, Marsh & McLennan consultant from American Express, World Trade Center.
    • Karol Ann Keasler, 42, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Barbara A. Keating, 72, Palm Springs, Calif., , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Hanlon Keating, 38, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Leo Russell Keene III, 33, Westfield, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brenda Kegler, Capitol Heights, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Chandler Raymond Keller, 29, Manhattan Beach, Calif., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Joseph John Keller, 31, Park Ridge, N.J., Marriott International, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Peter R. Kellerman, 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph P. Kellett, 37, Riverdale, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Frederick H. Kelley III, 57, Huntington, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James Joseph Kelly, 39, Oceanside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph A. Kelly, 40, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Maurice P. Kelly, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Richard John Kelly, Jr., 50, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Michael Kelly, 41, Wyckoff, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Richard Kelly, 39, Riverhead, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas W. Kelly, 50, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Colin Kelly, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • William Hill Kelly, Jr., 30, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.
    • Robert Clinton Kennedy, 55, Toms River, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Thomas J. Kennedy, 36, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Yvonne E. Kennedy, 62, Westmead, New South Wales, Australia, Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • John Richard Keohane, 41, Jersey City, N.J., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.
    • Ralph Francis Kershaw, 52, Manchester, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Ronald T. Kerwin, 42, Levittown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Howard L. Kestenbaum, 56, MONTCLAIR, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Douglas D. Ketcham, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ruth Ellen Ketler, 42, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Boris Khalif, 30, New York, Marsh & McLennan consultant from Allegiance Group, World Trade Center.
    • Norma Cruz Khan, 45, Reston, Va., Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Sarah Khan, 32, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Taimour Firaz Khan, 29, New York City, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Rajesh Khandelwal, 33, South Plainfield, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • SeiLai Khoo, 38, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Vernon Kiefer, 25, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Satoshi Kikuchihara, 43, Scarsdale, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim, 26, Leonia, N.J., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Lawrence Don Kim, 31, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Mary Jo Kimelman, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Heinrich Kimmig, 43, Germany, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Karen Ann Kincaid, 40, Flight 77, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Amy R. King, 29, Stafford Springs, Conn., Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew M. King, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Lucille Teresa King, 59, Ridgewood, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Robert King, Jr., 36, Bellerose Terrace, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Lisa King-Johnson, 34, Rockaway Park, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian K. Kinney, 28, Lowell, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Takashi Kinoshita, 46, Rye, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Chris Michael Kirby, 21, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.
    • Howard Barry Kirschbaum, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Glenn Davis Kirwin, 40, Scarsdale, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Helen Crossin Kittle and her unborn child, 34, Larchmont, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Joseph Klares, 59, Somers, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Anton Klein, 35, Weehawken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Alan David Kleinberg, 39, East Brunswick, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Karen Joyce Klitzman, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ronald Philip Kloepfer, 39, Franklin Square, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Eugueni Kniazev, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew James Knox, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Patrick Knox, 31, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Rebecca Lee Koborie, 48, Guttenburg, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Deborah A. Kobus, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Chuo Mitsui Trust and Banking Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Gary Edward Koecheler, 57, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Frank J. Koestner, 48, Ridgewood, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Ryan Kohart, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vanessa Lynn Przybylo Kolpak, 21, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Irina Kolpakova, 37, Harris Beach LLP, World Trade Center.
    • Suzanne Rose Kondratenko, 27, Chicago, Ill., Aon Corporation contractor from Keane Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Abdoulaye KonDe, 37, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Bon Seok Koo, 42, River Edge, N.J., LG Insurance Company, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Dorota Kopiczko, 26, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Scott Michael Kopytko, 32, Oakland Gardens, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Bojan George Kostic, 34, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Danielle Kousoulis, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David P. Kovalcin, 42, New Hampshire, , Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • John J. Kren, 52, Howard Beach, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center, died 10/26/01.
    • William Edward Krukowski, 36, Bayside, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Lyudmila Ksido, 46, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Toshiya Kuge, 20, Tokyo, Japan, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Shekhar Kumar, 30, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kenneth Bruce Kumpel, 42, Cornwall, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Frederick Kuo, Jr., 53, Great Neck, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.
    • Patricia A. Kuras, 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Nauka Kushitani, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Joseph Kuveikis, 48, Carmel, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Victor Kwarkye, 35, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Raymond Kui Fai Kwok, 31, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Angela Reed Kyte, 49, Boonton Township, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Andrew La Corte, 61, Jersey City, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Carol Ann La Plante, 59, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey G. La Touche, 49, Jamaica, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Kathryn L. LaBorie, 44, Providence, R.I., , Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Amarnauth Lachhman, 41, Valley Stream, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor from PM Contracting Company, World Trade Center.
    • Ganesh K. Ladkat, 27, Somerset, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James Patrick Ladley, 41, Colts Neck, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph A. Lafalce, 54, Queens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jeanette Louise Lafond-Menichino, 49, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • David James LaForge, 50, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Patrick LaForte, 39, Holmdel, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Alan Charles LaFrance, 43, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Juan Mendez Lafuente, 61, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Windows on the World visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Neil Kwong-Wah Lai, 59, Hightstown, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Vincent Anthony Laieta, 31, Edison, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • William David Lake, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Franco Lalama, 45, Nutley, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Chow Kwan Lam, 48, Maywood, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Michael S. Lamana, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Stephen LaMantia, 38, Darien, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Amy Hope Lamonsoff, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group, World Trade Center.
    • Robert T. Lane, 28, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Brendan Mark Lang, 30, Structure Tone, World Trade Center.
    • Rosanne P. Lang, 42, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vanessa Lang Langer and her unborn child, 29, Yonkers, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Lou Langley, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Peter J. Langone, 41, Roslyn Heights, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Michael Langone, 39, Williston Park, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michele Bernadette Lanza, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Ruth Sheila Lapin, 53, East Windsor, N.J., Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.
    • Ingeborg A.D. Lariby, 42, New York City, Regus PLC, World Trade Center.
    • Robin Blair Larkey, 48, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Judith Camilla Larocque, 50, Framingham, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Randall Larrabee, 26, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Hamidou S. Larry, 37, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Scott Larsen, 35, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • John Adam Larson, 37, Colonia, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Natalie Janis Lasden, 46, Peabody, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Gary Edward Lasko, 49, Memphis, Tenn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Nicholas Craig Lassman, 28, Cliffside Park, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Laszczynski, 49, New Jersey, Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Charles A. Laurencin, 61, Brooklyn, N.Y., Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen James Lauria, 39, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Maria LaVache, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Denis Francis Lavelle, 42, Yonkers, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jeannine Mary LaVerde, 36, Staten Island, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Anna A. Laverty, 52, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Steven Lawn, 28, Princeton, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Joel Miller, 55, Baldwin, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Matthew Miller, 39, Englewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Nicole Carol Miller, 21, San Jose, Calif., , Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Philip D. Miller, 53, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Alan Miller, 46, Old Bridge, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Cromwell Miller, Jr., 55, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Benny Millman, 40, Staten Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation contractor from Certified Moving & Storage Company, World Trade Center.
    • Charles M. Mills, Jr., 61, Brentwood, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Revenue Crimes Bureau, World Trade Center.
    • Ronald Keith Milstein, 54, Whitestone, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Robert J. Minara, 54, Carmel, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • William George Minardi, 46, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Louis Joseph Minervino, 54, Middletown, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Mingione, 34, West Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Wilbert Miraille, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Domenick N. Mircovich, 40, Closter, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Rajesh Arjan Mirpuri, 30, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from DataSynapse, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph D. Mistrulli, 47, Wantagh, N.Y., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Susan J. Miszkowicz, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Thomas Mitchell, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Richard P. Miuccio, 55, Staten Island, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Peter Mladenik, 43, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Frank V. Moccia, Sr., 57, Hauppauge, N.Y., Washington Group International, World Trade Center.
    • Louis Joseph Modafferi, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Boyie Mohammed, 50, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Mojica, 50, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Manuel D. Mojica, Jr., 37, Bellmore, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Kleber Rolando Molina, 44, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Manuel De Jesus Molina, 31, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Carl Molinaro, 32, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Justin John Molisani, Jr., 42, Lincroft, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Brian Patrick Monaghan, 21, New York City, Aon Corporation contractor from United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, World Trade Center.
    • Franklyn Monahan, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Gerard Monahan, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kristen Leigh Montanaro, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Craig Montano, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael G. Montesi, 39, Highland Mills, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Carlos Alberto Montoya, 36, Belmont, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Antonio De Jesus Montoya Valdes, 47, Boston, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Cheryl Ann Monyak, 43, Greenwich, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Carlo Moody, 45, Stony Brook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Sharon Moore, 37, Jamaica, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Krishna V. Moorthy, 59, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Abner Morales, 37, Ozone Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Carlos Manuel Morales, 29, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paula E. Morales, 42, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Sonia Mercedes Morales Puopolo, 62, Dover, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Gerard P. Moran, Jr., United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.
    • John Christopher Moran, 38, Surrey, England, United Kingdom, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Accenture, World Trade Center.
    • John Michael Moran, 42, Rockaway, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Kathleen Moran, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor from Zurich Financial Services, World Trade Center.
    • Lindsay Stapleton Morehouse, 24, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • George William Morell, 47, Mount Kisco, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Steven P. Morello, 52, Bayonne, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Vincent S. Morello, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Yvette Nicole Moreno, 24, Bronx, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Dorothy Morgan, 47, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard J. Morgan, 66, Glen Rock, N.J., Public Utility Emergency Management, World Trade Center.
    • Nancy Morgenstern, 32, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sanae Mori, 27, Tokyo, Japan, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Blanca Robertina Morocho Morocho, 26, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Leonel Geronimo Morocho Morocho, 36, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Gerard Moroney, 39, Eastchester, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Lynne Irene Morris, 22, Monroe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Odessa V. Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Seth Allan Morris, 35, Kinnelon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Steve Morris, 31, Ormond Beach, Fla., Marsh & McLennan visitor from Oracle Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Martel Morrison, 34, Charlestown, Mass., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Zurich Scudder Investments, World Trade Center.
    • Ferdinand V. Morrone, 63, Lakewood, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • William David Moskal, 50, Brecksville, Ohio, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian A. Moss, 34, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Marco Motroni, 56, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Cynthia Motus-Wilson, 52, Warwick, N.Y., International Office Centers Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Iouri A. Mouchinski, 55, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Jude Joseph Moussa, 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Moutos, 46, Chatham, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Damion O'Neil Mowatt, 21, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Teddington H. Moy, 48, Silver Spring, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Christopher Michael Mozzillo, 27, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Vincent Mulderry, 33, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard T. Muldowney, Jr., 40, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael D. Mullan, 34, Flushing, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Michael Mulligan, 32, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Peter James Mulligan, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Joseph Mullin, 27, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James Donald Munhall, 45, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Nancy MuIniz, 45, Ridgewood, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Francisco Heladio Munoz, 29, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Carlos Mario MuInoz, 43, New York, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Theresa Munson, 54, Broad Channel, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Michael Murach, 45, Montclair, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Cesar Augusto Murillo, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Marc A. Murolo, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Brian Joseph Murphy, 41, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Charles Anthony Murphy, 38, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher W. Murphy, 35, Easton, Md., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Edward Charles Murphy, 42, Clifton, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James F. Murphy IV, 30, Garden City, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Thomson Financial, World Trade Center.
    • James Thomas Murphy, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin James Murphy, 40, Northport, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Berkeley Heights, N.J., United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.
    • Patrick Sean Murphy, 36, Millburn, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Raymond E. Murphy, 46, Bronx, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Eddie Murphy, Jr., 56, Fuji Bank, Ltd. security, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Catherine Murphy-Boffa, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • John Joseph Murray, 32, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Joseph Murray, 52, Colts Neck, N.J., Fuji Bank visitor from Mizuho Financial Group, World Trade Center.
    • Susan D. Murray, 54, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Valerie Victoria Murray, 65, Ohrenstein & Brown, World Trade Center.
    • Richard Todd Myhre, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Louis J. Nacke II, 42, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa.
    • Robert B. Nagel, 55, New York City, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Mildred Rose Naiman, 81, Andover, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Takuya Nakamura, 30, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Nishi-Nippon Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Alexander John Robert Napier, 38, Morristown, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Frank Joseph Naples III, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Philip Napolitano, 33, Ronkokoma, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Catherine Ann Nardella, 40, Bloomfield, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Mario Nardone, Jr., 32, New York City, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Manika K. Narula, 22, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Shawn M. Nassaney, 25, Pawtucket, R.I., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Narender Nath, 32, Colonia, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Karen Susan Navarro, 30, Oakland Gardens, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph M. Navas, 44, Paramus, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Joseph Nazario, 28, Jersey City, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Glenroy I. Neblett, 42, Jamaica, N.Y., Reinsurance Solutions, World Trade Center.
    • Rayman Marcus Neblett, 31, Roslyn Heights, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Jerome O. Nedd, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Laurence F. Nedell, 52, Lindenhurst, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Luke G. Nee, 44, Stony Point, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Pete Negron, 34, Bergenfield, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Laurie Ann Neira, 48, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Ann N. Nelson, 30, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David William Nelson, 50, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Ginger Risco Nelson, 48, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • James A. Nelson, 40, Clark, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michele Ann Nelson, 27, North Valley Stream, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Allen Nelson, 42, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Oscar Francis Nesbitt, 58, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Gerard Terence Nevins, 46, Campbell Hall, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Renee Tetreault Newell, 37, Cranston, R.I., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher C. Newton, 38, Ashburn, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Christopher Newton-Carter, 51, Middletown, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Nancy Yuen Ngo, 36, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Khang Ngoc Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, Va., United States Navy contractor, Pentagon.
    • Jody Tepedino Nichilo, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kathleen Ann Nicosia, 54, Winthrop, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Martin Stewart Niederer, 23, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Alfonse Joseph Niedermeyer, 40, Manasquan, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Frank John Niestadt, Jr., 55, Long Island, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Gloria Nieves, 48, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Juan Nieves, Jr., 56, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Troy Edward Nilsen, 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Nimbley, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Ballantine Niven, 44, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Katherine McGarry Noack, 29, Hoboken, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Telekurs Group, World Trade Center.
    • Curtis Terrance Noel, 22, Bronx, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.
    • Michael A. Noeth, 30, Fort Myer, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Daniel R. Nolan, 44, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert Walter Noonan, 36, Greenwich, Conn., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jacqueline June Norton, 61, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Grant Norton, 85, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Daniela Rosalia Notaro, 25, Brooklyn, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian Christopher Novotny, 33, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Soichi Numata, 45, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Brian Nunez, 29, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jose Nunez, 42, Bronx, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Roger Nussbaum, 37, Oceanside, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Patrick O'Berg, 28, Babylon, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • James P. O'Brien, Jr., 33, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael P. O'Brien, 42, Cedar Knolls, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Scott J. O'Brien, 40, Brooklyn, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Slam Dunk Networks, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Michael O'Brien, 40, Old Brookville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel O'Callaghan, 42, Smithtown, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis James O'Connor, Jr., 34, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Diana J. O'Connor, 37, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Keith Kevin O'Connor, 28, Hoboken, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard J. O'Connor, 49, LaGrangeville, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Amy O'Doherty, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Marni Pont O'Doherty, 31, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • James Andrew O'Grady, 32, Harrington Park, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas G. O'Hagan, 43, Riverdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick J. O'Keefe, 44, Oakdale, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • William O'Keefe, 48, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Gerald Thomas O'Leary, 34, Stony Point, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Matthew Timothy O'Mahony, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John P. O'Neill, 49, Silverstein Properties, World Trade Center.
    • Peter J. O'Neill, Jr., 21, Valley Stream, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Sean Gordon Corbett O'Neill, 34, Rye, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin M. O'Rourke, 44, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick J. O'Shea, 45, Farmingdale, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert William O'Shea, 47, Wall, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Franklin O'Sullivan, 68, Albrightsville, Pa., Cultural Institutions Retirement System, World Trade Center.
    • James A. Oakley, 52, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Douglas E. Oelschlager, 36, St. James, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Takashi Ogawa, 37, Tokyo, Japan, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Albert Ogletree, 49, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Philip Paul Ognibene, 39, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • John A. Ogonowski, 50, Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph J. Ogren, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Samuel Oitice, 45, Peekskill, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Gerald Michael Olcott, 55, New Hyde Park, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Christine Anne Olender, 39, New York City, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Linda Mary Oliva, 44, Staten Island, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Edward K. Oliver, 31, Jackson, N.J., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Leah Elizabeth Oliver, 24, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Eric Taube Olsen, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey James Olsen, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Barbara K. Olson, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Maureen Lyons Olson, 50, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Steven John Olson, 38, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Toshihiro Onda, 39, New York City, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Seamus L. Oneal, 52, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Betty Ann Ong, 45, Andover, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Michael C. Opperman, 45, Selden, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher T. Orgielewicz, 35, Larchmont, N.Y., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Margaret Quinn Orloske, 50, Windsor, Conn., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Virginia Anne Ormiston, 42, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Ruben S. Ornedo, 39, Los Angeles, Calif., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Ronald Orsini, 59, Hillsdale, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Peter Keith Ortale, 37, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Juan Ortega-Campos, 32, Fine & Schapiro, World Trade Center.
    • Jane Marie Orth, 49, Haverhill, Mass., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Alexander Ortiz, 36, Empire BlueCross BlueShield contractor, World Trade Center.
    • David Ortiz, 37, Nanuet, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Emilio Pete Ortiz, 38, Queens, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Pablo Ortiz, 49, Staten Island, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Ortiz, Jr., 21, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Bloomberg L.P., World Trade Center.
    • Sonia Ortiz, 58, Flushing, N.Y., ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Masaru Ose, 36, Fort Lee, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Elsy Carolina Osorio Oliva, 27, Flushing, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.
    • James R. Ostrowski, 37, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jason Douglas Oswald, 28, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael John Otten, 42, East Islip, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Isidro D. Ottenwalder, 35, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Chung Ou, 53, New York, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Todd Joseph Ouida, 25, River Edge, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jesus Ovalles, 60, Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Peter J. Owens, Jr., 42, Williston Park, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Adianes Oyola, 23, Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Angel M. Pabon, Jr., 53, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Israel Pabon, Jr., 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Roland Pacheco, 25, Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Benjamin Packer, 45, Hartsdale, N.Y., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Diana B. Padro, 55, Woodbridge, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Deepa Pakkala, 31, Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo, 33, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Palazzo, 44, Armonk, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Richard A. Palazzolo, 39, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Orio Joseph Palmer, 45, Valley Stream, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Frank Anthony Palombo, 46, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Alan N. Palumbo, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Matthew Panatier, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dominique Lisa Pandolfo, 27, Hoboken, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jonas Martin Panik, 26, United States Naval Reserve, Pentagon.
    • Paul J. Pansini, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • John M. Paolillo, 51, Glen Head, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Edward Joseph Papa, 47, Oyster Bay, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Salvatore T. Papasso, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Revenue Crimes Bureau, World Trade Center.
    • James Nicholas Pappageorge, 29, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Marie Pappalardo, 53, Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Vinod Kumar Parakat, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vijayashanker Paramsothy, 23, Astoria, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Nitin Ramesh Parandkar, 27, Woodbrige, N.J., Marsh & McLennan visitor from Oracle Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Hardai Parbhu, 42, Bronx, N.Y., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Deepika Kumar Sattaluri, 33, Edison, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Wipro Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Gregory Thomas Saucedo, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Susan M. Sauer, 48, Chicago, Ill., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Savas, 72, Astoria, N.Y., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center.
    • Vladimir Savinkin, 21, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Michael Sbarbaro, 45, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • David M. Scales, 44, Arlington, Va., United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Robert Louis Scandole, 36, Pelham, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michelle Scarpitta, 26, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Scauso, 46, Dix Hills, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • John Albert Schardt, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • John G. Scharf, 29, Manorville, N.Y., Aon Corporation visitor, World Trade Center.
    • Fred C. Scheffold, Jr., 57, Piermont, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Angela Susan Scheinberg, 46, Staten Island, N.Y., Empire BlueCross BlueShield, World Trade Center.
    • Scott Mitchell Schertzer, 28, Edison, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sean Schielke, 27, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Steven Francis Schlag, 41, Franklin Lakes, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert A. Schlegel, 38, United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Jon Schlissel, 51, Jersey City, N.J., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Karen Helene Schmidt, 42, Bellmore, N.Y., IQ Financial Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Ian Schneider, 45, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas G. Schoales, 27, Stony Point, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Marisa Dinardo Schorpp, 38, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Frank G. Schott, Jr., 39, Massapequa, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gerard Patrick Schrang, 45, Holbrook, N.Y. and Downsville, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffery H. Schreier, 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John T. Schroeder, 31, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Susan Lee Schuler, 55, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Edward W. Schunk, 54, Baldwin, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Evan Schurmeier, 44, McLean, Va., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • John Burkhart Schwartz, 49, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Schwartz, 50, West Hempstead, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.
    • Adriane Victoria Scibetta, 31, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Raphael Scorca, 61, Beachwood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Janice M. Scott, 46, North Springfield, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Randolph Scott, 48, Stamford, Conn., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Jay Scudder, 34, Monsey, N.Y., En Pointe Technologies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Arthur Warren Scullin, 57, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael H. Seaman, 41, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Margaret M. Seeliger, 34, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Segarra, 52, Flushing, N.Y., Proven Electric Contracting, World Trade Center, died 11/28/01.
    • Carlos Segarra, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Jason M. Sekzer, 31, Forest Hills, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Matthew Carmen Sellitto, 23, New Vernon, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael L. Selves, 53, Fairfax, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Howard Selwyn, 47, Hewlett, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Larry John Senko, 34, Yardley, Pa., Alliance Consulting Group, World Trade Center.
    • Arturo Angelo Sereno, 29, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Frankie Serrano, 23, Elizabeth, N.J., Genuity Solutions, World Trade Center.
    • Marian H. Serva, 47, Stafford, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Alena Sesinova, 57, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Adele Christine Sessa, 36, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sita Nermalla Sewnarine, 37, Brooklyn, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Karen Lynn Seymour, 40, Garban Intercapital, World Trade Center.
    • Davis Grier Sezna, Jr., 22, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Joseph Sgroi, 45, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jayesh Shantilal Shah, 38, Edgewater, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Khalid M. Shahid, 25, Union, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mohammed Shajahan, 41, Spring Valley, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gary Shamay, 23, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Earl Richard Shanahan, 50, Flushing, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Dan F. Shanower, 40, Arlington, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Neil G. Shastri, 25, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Kathryn Anne Shatzoff, 37, Bronx, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Barbara A. Shaw, 57, Morris Township, N.J., Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Compaq Computer Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey James Shaw, 42, Levittown, N.Y., Forest Electric Corp., World Trade Center.
    • Robert John Shay, Jr., 27, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel James Shea, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Patrick Shea, 47, Pelham, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kathleen Shearer, 61, Dover, N.H., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Robert M. Shearer, 63, Dover, N.H., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Linda June Sheehan, 40, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Hagay Shefi, 34, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from GoldTier Technologies, World Trade Center.
    • Antionette M. Sherman, 35, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • John Anthony Sherry, 34, Rockville Centre, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Atsushi Shiratori, 36, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Joseph Shubert, 43, Tuckahoe, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mark Shulman, 47, Old Bridge, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • See Wong Shum, 44, Westfield, N.J., New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, World Trade Center.
    • Allan Abraham Shwartzstein, 37, Pleasantville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Clarin Shellie Siegel-Schwartz, 51, New York City, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Johanna Sigmund, 25, New York City, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Dianne T. Signer and her unborn child, 32, Middle Village, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gregory Sikorsky, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Stephen Gerard Siller, 34, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • David Silver, 35, New Rochelle, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Craig A. Silverstein, 41, Wyckoff, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Nasima H. Simjee, 37, New York City, Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Bruce Edward Simmons, 41, Ridgewood, N.J., Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Diane M. Simmons, 52, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Donald D. Simmons, 58, Dumfries, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • George W. Simmons, 57, Great Falls, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Arthur Simon, 57, Thiells, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Kenneth Alan Simon, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Michael J. Simon, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Joseph Simon, 54, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant, World Trade Center.
    • Marianne Liquori Simone, 62, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Barry Simowitz, 64, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Jane Louise Simpkin, 36, Wayland, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Jeff Lyal Simpson, 38, Woodbridge, Va., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.
    • Cheryle D. Sincock, 53, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Khamladai Khami Singh, 25, Woodhaven, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Roshan Ramesh Singh, 21, Queens, N.Y., Windows on the World, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas E. Sinton III, 41, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Peter A. Siracuse, 29, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Muriel F. Siskopoulos, 60, Brooklyn, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Michael Sisolak, 35, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • John P. Skala, 31, Clifton, N.J., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Francis Joseph Skidmore, Jr., 58, Mendham, N.J., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Toyena Corliss Skinner, 27, Wachovia Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Paul A. Skrzypek, 37, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher Paul Slattery, 31, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Vincent Robert Slavin, 41, Rockaway Beach, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Robert F. Sliwak, 42, Wantagh, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Kenneth Sloan, 26, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Stanley S. Smagala, Jr., 36, Holbrook, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Wendy L. Small, 26, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Gregg H. Smallwood, 44, Woodbridge, Va., United States Navy, Pentagon.
    • Catherine T. Smith, 44, Manahawkin, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Daniel Laurence Smith, 47, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Gary F. Smith, 55, Alexandria, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • George Eric Smith, 38, West Chester, Pa., Fiduciary Trust Company contractor from SunGard Data Systems, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Heather Lee Smith, 30, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • James Gregory Smith, 43, Garden City, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey R. Smith, 36, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Joyce Patricia Smith, 55, Springfield Gardens, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, Forte Food Service, World Trade Center.
    • Karl T. Smith, Sr., 44, Little Silver, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kevin Joseph Smith, 47, Mastic, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Leon Smith, Jr., 48, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Moira Ann Smith, 38, Queens Village, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Rosemary A. Smith, 61, Staten Island, N.Y., Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP, World Trade Center.
    • Bonnie Shihadeh Smithwick, 54, Quogue, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Rochelle Monique Snell, 24, Mount Vernon, N.Y., Regus PLC, World Trade Center.
    • Christine Ann Snyder, 32, Kailua, Hawaii, Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Dianne Bullis Snyder, 42, Westport Point, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Leonard J. Snyder, Jr., 34, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Astrid Elizabeth Sohan, 32, Freehold, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Sushil S. Solanki, 35, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • RubDen Solares, 51, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Naomi Leah Solomon, 52, New York City, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Callixa Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel W. Song, 34, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, Washington, D.C., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Michael Charles Sorresse, 34, Parsippany, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Fabian Soto, 31, ABM Industries Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Patrick Soulas, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Gregory Thomas Spagnoletti, 32, New York City, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Donald F. Spampinato, Jr., 39, Manhasset, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Sparacio, 35, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • John Anthony Spataro, 32, Mineola, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert W. Spear, Jr., 30, Valley Cottage, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Speisman, 48, Irvington, N.Y., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Maynard S. Spence, Jr., 42, Atlanta, Ga., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • George Edward Spencer III, 50, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Andrew Spencer, 35, Middletown, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Rubina Sperando, 39, Risk Waters Group conference attendee from Encompys, World Trade Center.
    • Frank Spinelli, 44, Short Hills, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • William E. Spitz, 49, Oceanside, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Joseph Patrick Spor, Jr., 35, Somers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Klaus Johannes Sprockamp, 42, LION Bioscience AG, World Trade Center.
    • Saranya Srinuan, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Fitzroy St. Rose, 40, Bronx, N.Y., General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.
    • Michael F. Stabile, 50, Staten Island, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Lawrence T. Stack, 58, Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Timothy M. Stackpole, 42, Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Richard James Stadelberger, 55, Middletown, N.J., Fiduciary Trust Company International, World Trade Center.
    • Eric Adam Stahlman, 43, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Gregory Stajk, 46, Long Beach, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Alexandru Liviu Stan, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Corina Stan, 31, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Mary Domenica Stanley, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Starita, 35, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Jeffrey Stark, 30, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Derek James Statkevicus, 30, Norwalk, Conn., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Patricia J. Statz, 41, United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Craig William Staub, 30, Basking Ridge, N.J., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • William V. Steckman, 56, Hempstead, N.Y., WNBC, World Trade Center.
    • Eric Thomas Steen, 32, Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • William R. Steiner, 56, Solebury, Pa., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Alexander Robbins Steinman, 32, Hoboken, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Edna L. Stephens, 53, Capitol Heights, Md., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Andrew Stergiopoulos, 23, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Andrew J. Stern, 41, Bellmore, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Norma Lang Steuerle, 54, Alexandria, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Martha Jane Stevens, 55, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Michael James Stewart, 42, New York, Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Richard H. Stewart, Jr., 35, New York City, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sanford M. Stoller, 54, Brooklyn, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Accenture, World Trade Center.
    • Douglas Joel Stone, 54, Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Lonny Jay Stone, 43, Bellmore, N.Y., Carr Futures, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Jimmy Nevill Storey, 58, Katy, Texas, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Timothy Stout, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas Strada, 41, Chatham, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • James J. Straine, Jr., 36, Oceanport, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Edward W. Straub, 48, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • George J. Strauch, Jr., 53, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J., Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Edward Thomas Strauss, 44, Edison, N.J., Port Authority of New York and New Jersey first responders, World Trade Center.
    • Steven R. Strauss, 51, Queens, N.Y., Morgan Stanley contractor from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, World Trade Center.
    • Larry L. Strickland, 52, United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Steven F. Strobert, 33, Ridgewood, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Walwyn Wellington Stuart, Jr., 28, Valley Stream, N.Y., Port Authority Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Benjamin Suarez, 34, New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • David Scott Suarez, 24, Princeton Junction, N.J., Marsh & McLennan consultant from Deloitte & Touche LLP, World Trade Center.
    • Ramon Suarez, 45, New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Dino Xavier Suarez Ramirez, 41, Chino Hills, Calif., Passenger, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Yoichi Sumiyama Sugiyama, 34, Fort Lee, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • William Christopher Sugra, 30, New York, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Daniel Thomas Suhr, 37, Rockaway, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • David Marc Sullins, 30, Glendale, N.Y., Emergency Medical Services, World Trade Center.
    • Christopher P. Sullivan, 39, North Massapequa, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Patrick Sullivan, 32, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas G. Sullivan, 38, Kearny, N.J., Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Hilario Soriano Sumaya, Jr., 42, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • James Joseph Suozzo, 47, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Colleen M. Supinski, 27, New York City, Sandler O'Neill + Partners, World Trade Center.
    • Robert Sutcliffe, 39, Harvey Young Yurman, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Seline Sutter, 63, New York City, Association of International Recruiters, World Trade Center.
    • Claudia Suzette Sutton, 34, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Francis Swaine, 36, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Kristine M. Swearson, 34, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Brian David Sweeney, 38, Barnstable, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Brian Edward Sweeney, 29, Merrick, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Madeline Amy Sweeney, 35, Acton, Mass., Flight Crew, United 11, World Trade Center.
    • Kenneth J. Swenson, 40, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Thomas F. Swift, 30, Jersey City, N.J., Morgan Stanley, World Trade Center.
    • Derek Ogilvie Sword, 29, New York, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Kevin Thomas Szocik, 27, Garden City, N.Y., Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Gina Sztejnberg, 52, Ridgewood, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Norbert P. Szurkowski, 31, Brooklyn, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • Harry Taback, 56, Staten Island, N.Y., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Joann C. Tabeek, 41, Staten Island, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Norma C. Taddei, 64, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Taddonio, 39, Huntington, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Keiichiro Takahashi, 53, Port Washington, N.Y., Euro Brokers, World Trade Center.
    • Keiji Takahashi, 42, Tenafly, N.J., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Phyllis Gail Talbot, 53, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Robert R. Talhami, 40, Shrewsbury, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • John Talignani, 74, New Port Richey, Fla. and Staten Island, N.Y., Passenger, United 93, Shanksville, Pa..
    • Sean Patrick Tallon, 29, Yonkers, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Paul Talty, 40, Wantagh, N.Y., New York City Police Department, World Trade Center.
    • Maurita Tam, 22, New York, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Rachel Tamares, 30, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Hector Rogan Tamayo, 51, Holliswood, N.Y., Harris Beach contractor from Vanderbilt Group, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Andrew Tamuccio, 37, Pelham Manor, N.Y., Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Kenichiro Tanaka, 52, Rye Brook, N.Y., Fuji Bank, Ltd., World Trade Center.
    • Rhondelle Cherie Tankard, 31, Bermuda, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Michael Anthony Tanner, 44, Secaucus, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dennis Gerard Taormina, Jr., 36, Montville, N.J., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Kenneth Joseph Tarantino, 39, Bayonne, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Allan Tarasiewicz, 45, Staten Island, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Michael C. Tarrou, 38, Flight Crew, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Ronald Tartaro, 38, Fred Alger Management, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Deborah Tavolarella, 46, Dedham, Mass., Passenger, United 175, World Trade Center.
    • Darryl Anthony Taylor, 52, General Telecommunications, World Trade Center.
    • Donnie Brooks Taylor, 40, Aon Corporation, World Trade Center.
    • Hilda E. Taylor, 58, Forestville, Md., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Kip P. Taylor, 38, United States Army, Pentagon.
    • Leonard E. Taylor, Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Lorisa Ceylon Taylor, 31, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Michael Morgan Taylor, 42, Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Sandra C. Taylor, 50, Alexandria, Va., United States Army Civilian, Pentagon.
    • Sandra Dawn Teague, 31, Fairfax, Va., Passenger, American 77, Pentagon.
    • Karl W. Teepe, 57, Centreville, Va., Defense Intelligence Agency, Pentagon.
    • Paul A. Tegtmeier, 41, Hyde Park, N.Y., New York City Fire Department, World Trade Center.
    • Yeshavant Moreshwar Tembe, 59, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Anthony Tempesta, 38, Elizabeth, N.J., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Dorothy Pearl Temple, 52, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, World Trade Center.
    • Stanley L. Temple, 77, Cantor Fitzgerald contractor, World Trade Center.
    • David Gustaf Peter Tengelin, 25, New York City, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Brian John Terrenzi, 28, Hicksville, N.Y., Cantor Fitzgerald, World Trade Center.
    • Lisa Marie Terry, 42, Oakland Township, Mich., Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., World Trade Center.
    • Goumatie Thackurdeen, 35, Ozone Park, N.Y., Fiduciary Trust

    If you're thinking, "Kat, that would have been easier to follow without all the names of the dead," I understand what you're saying.  And at Third, the original draft just had a number.

    C.I. and Ava and Elaine objected.  C.I. said she'd get the full list from whatever organization (9/11 Memorial?) that we linked to.  Their point was that we are making an argument here and we are citing the people who died in 9-11.  So if we're citing them, they are people, not a number.  Ava, Elaine and C.I. said if it was 2 or 20,000, their names had to be listed in full.

    Everyone then agreed but Jim said the article would have more punch without the list and suggested that we do the list as one piece and put in a link.

    This time all of us joined with Ava and C.I. and Elaine.  If you're saying that people died because of a group that the US has now teamed up with, you list the names of the dead.

    Closing with C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

    Thursday, September 5, 2013.  Chaos and violence continue, Iraqis fear what happens if the US attacks Syria, the Pope calls for peace talks with Syria and rejects military strikes, Barack Obama is shunned at the G-20, John Kerry is called a liar by the President of Russia, Nancy Pelosi wants to compete in a dick swinging contest, and much more.

    US President Barack Obama wants war on Syria.  It's wrong for many reasons.  One that no one seems to be raising is cost.  The authorization the White House wants from Congress -- passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- does not prohibit "boots on the ground."  Secretary of State John Kerry had a meltdown over 'no boots on the ground' being in the authorization during the Senate committee's hearing on Tuesday.  He also spoke in terms of actions additional to a 'precision strike' which is why it is a 90 day authorization that Barack's enablers have passed.  It has not passed the Senate, it has not passed the House.  Judging from complaints to the public e-mail account, either local anchors across the country are really stupid or they're being intentionally stupid to imply it's a done deal.  All that being voted out of Committee does is send it to the Senate floor for a vote.  Being voted out of Committee does not change a bill into a law.  Jason Ditz's Antiwar piece that just went up may make that clearer.  Opening sentence: "After yesterday’s 10-7 committee vote set the stage for a tight vote in the Senate about the Syrian War, the issue may end up entirely academic, as ABC News is the first to call it, and based on the public comments the war is headed for a defeat in the House of Representatives."

    Many are noting the lack of restrictions to the authorization Barack Obama wants. (See Jason Ditz' "Senate Committee Approves Loophole-Ridden Syria War Resolution" at  Who's going to point out the blank check aspect?  Congress controls the purse.  The measure the White House wants and that the Senate committee passed is a blank check and isn't the US supposed to be in the midst of a fiscal crisis?

    You've not only got the failed economy, you've also got sequestration.  Across the board cuts.

    So why is the US Congress being asked to authorize any new action without such an action having a clear and public price tag?

    The US economy remains in the toilet, services are being cut (further cut) across the country and more cuts are due to come shortly and on top of this outstanding (unpaid) bill, Barack wants to toss on military actions when there is no threat to Syria?

    And the White House will not return to extend the 90 day authorization.  It will just plow on through if it feels the need.  Meaning ten years from now someone may write a letter to the Seattle Times' editors on the money spent on the Syrian War the way Kathy Swoyer writes them now:

    Today in Iraq, 10 years later, countless lives --  military and civilian--  have been and continue to be lost, hundreds of millions of our tax dollars were spent, and Shiite/Sunni violence is rearing up again. Al-Qaida terrorism is now robust.
    What, exactly, have we gained?
    The biggest threat to the US economy has been and remains Barack Obama.

    He now wants to turn that destructive force on Syria.

    The years long effort for war on Syria has already run up a large tab -- in money and resources.  In resources, you have John Kerry and the State Department spending 2012 and this year attempting to persuade foreign countries into supporting war and pressuring them to cut off ties to Syria.

    That has a huge cost.  Might life be better for the Iraqi people if high-profile US visits to Iraq in the last two years had been about the needs of the Iraqi people and not the US government's need for war with Syria?  And what was Nouri given to make him announce (briefly) that they would stop flights from Iran to Syria?

    If diplomacy had been used for humanitarian reasons, then high-profile US visits would have been about wrongful imprisonments, the need to stop torturing, the need to stop shooting at Iraqis taking part in a sit-in and, at the very least, the need to provide the people with basic public services (electricity, potable water, etc.).

    A lot of liars in Congress and in the press want to insist attacking Syria would be a "humanitarian action."  They ignore the reality of what they're demanding.  As Steve Chapman (Chicago Tribune) observes, "It may look antiseptic from Washington, but only because the Syrians have no means to respond [to an attack] in kind.  But to anyone in Syria, there will be no doubt that we are waging war."  Activist, author and candidate for governor in California Cindy Sheehan weighs in on these 'humanitarian concerns'  at Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox:

    Now, Obama and Pelosi want to kill Syrian children so their government doesn’t kill them? I don't want the Syrian government or US supported rebels to kill anyone, but I am sure that dying by a US made and launched missile is much more compassionate than any other way? Obviously the “problem” that the US has, is not that it loves children so much, but that it’s Murder, Inc and wants a global monopoly on carnage.
     To me, and many others who really pay attention to needs of children, what is urgent is for the US to stop all its wars that harm families all over the world, even here. Why do you think our economy is tanking and the social safety nets are being greatly reduced or eliminated? Our overwhelming monetary and psycho investment in the military industrial complex!

    FYI, Cindy's campaign site is here.  If  the liars in Congress and the press have are so concerned about 'humanitarian' intervention in Syria, why have they expressed no humanitarian concerns about Iraq?

    KUNA reports the European Union's High Representative Catherine Ashton issued a statement condemning Tuesday's attacks in Iraq.  Her statement in full [PDF format warning] can be found here:

    I condemn in the strongest terms the series of car bombings that killed many civilians on Tuesday in predominantly Shia districts of Baghdad.  My thoughts go out to the many innocent victims and I express my condolences to their families.
    I am seriously concerned by the escalation of violence in Iraq over the past months which is fueling sectarianism and undermining the stability of the country.  I call on all political, religious and community leaders to increase their efforts to end this dangerous cycle of vilence.  I am confident that the Iraqi people will remain steadfast in their rejection of sectarian violence and work towards a successful transition to democracy and long term stability for the benefit of all of Iraq's citizens.

    The US government has nothing to say about Tuesday's attacks which killed 87 people (Iraq Body Count tally).  It rarely has anything to say about anything to do with Iraq.  Yes, Sunday, they did issue the following:

    Press Statement

    Marie Harf
    Deputy Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
    Washington, DC
    September 1, 2013

    The United States strongly condemns the terrible events that took place at Camp Ashraf today, which according to various reports resulted in the deaths of and injuries to numerous camp residents. Our condolences go out to the families of the victims and those who were injured in today’s violence.
    We are deeply concerned about these reports and are in regular contact with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), as well as Government of Iraq officials. We support UNAMI's efforts to conduct its own assessment of the situation and call on the Government of Iraq to fully support those efforts.

    We further call on Iraqi authorities to act with urgency to immediately ensure medical assistance to the wounded and to secure the camp against any further violence or harm to the residents. We underscore the responsibility of the Government of Iraq and all relevant stakeholders to ensure the safety and security of residents at both Camp Ashraf and Camp Hurriyah, and we affirm the call by UNAMI for a full and independent investigation into this terrible and tragic event. Those found to be responsible must be held fully accountable.

    But before you applaud them, that's idiotic.

    All the ones arguing humanitarian grounds for Syria -- including the ridiculous US House Rep Debbie Wasserman-Schultz with her "as a Jew" statement -- need to ask where is the humanitarian concern for the Ashraf community?

    The United States could actually put more boots on the ground in Iraq as a result of that attack.  International law would allow that (some legal scholars would argue that international law compels it).

    I must have missed Debs Wasserman weighing in on the attack, "as a Jew," right?

    Adam Schreck (AP) reported Tuesday that the United Nations just confirmed the deaths of 52 Ashraf residents.  Al Mada noted Monday that Nouri's declared he should be over the Iraqi investigation since he's commander-in-chief.  And that's exactly why he shouldn't be over it.  Tuesday, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq issued a statement which included:

     Reiterating his previous statement, the UN Envoy expressed his outrage at the brutal killing of the camp’s residents. Mr. Busztin took note of the statement issued by the Government of Iraq announcing it has initiated its own investigation into the tragic events and acknowledging its responsibility for the safety of the camp’s residents. “I call on the Iraqi government to ensure that a thorough, impartial and transparent investigation into this atrocious crime is conducted without delay and that the results of the investigation are made public”, he said.

    Deb Wasserman may not grasp the basics so let's review slowly.

    Camp Ashraf housed a group of Iranian dissidents who were  welcomed to Iraq by Saddam Hussein in 1986 and he gave them Camp Ashraf and six other parcels that they could utilize. In 2003, the US invaded Iraq.The US government had the US military lead negotiations with the residents of Camp Ashraf. The US government wanted the residents to disarm and the US promised protections to the point that US actions turned the residents of Camp Ashraf into protected person under the Geneva Conventions. This is key and demands the US defend the Ashraf community in Iraq from attacks.  The Bully Boy Bush administration grasped that -- they were ignorant of every other law on the books but they grasped that one.  As 2008 drew to a close, the Bush administration was given assurances from the Iraqi government that they would protect the residents. Yet Nouri al-Maliki ordered the camp repeatedly attacked after Barack Obama was sworn in as US President. July 28, 2009 Nouri launched an attack (while then-US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was on the ground in Iraq). In a report released this summer entitled "Iraqi government must respect and protect rights of Camp Ashraf residents," Amnesty International described this assault, "Barely a month later, on 28-29 July 2009, Iraqi security forces stormed into the camp; at least nine residents were killed and many more were injured. Thirty-six residents who were detained were allegedly tortured and beaten. They were eventually released on 7 October 2009; by then they were in poor health after going on hunger strike." April 8, 2011, Nouri again ordered an assault on Camp Ashraf (then-US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was again on the ground in Iraq when the assault took place). Amnesty International described the assault this way, "Earlier this year, on 8 April, Iraqi troops took up positions within the camp using excessive, including lethal, force against residents who tried to resist them. Troops used live ammunition and by the end of the operation some 36 residents, including eight women, were dead and more than 300 others had been wounded. Following international and other protests, the Iraqi government announced that it had appointed a committee to investigate the attack and the killings; however, as on other occasions when the government has announced investigations into allegations of serious human rights violations by its forces, the authorities have yet to disclose the outcome, prompting questions whether any investigation was, in fact, carried out."  Those weren't the last attacks.  They were the last attacks while the residents were labeled as terrorists by the US State Dept.  (September 28, 2012, the designation was changed.)   In spite of this labeling, Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) observed that "since 2004, the United States has considered the residents of Camp Ashraf 'noncombatants' and 'protected persons' under the Geneva Conventions."  So the US has an obligation to protect the residents.  3,300 are no longer at Camp Ashraf.  They have moved to Camp Hurriyah for the most part.  A tiny number has received asylum in other countries. Approximately 100 were still at Camp Ashraf when it was attacked Sunday.   That was the second attack this year alone.   February 9th of this year, the Ashraf residents were again attacked, this time the ones who had been relocated to Camp Hurriyah.  Trend News Agency counted 10 dead and over one hundred injured.  Prensa Latina reported, " A rain of self-propelled Katyusha missiles hit a provisional camp of Iraqi opposition Mujahedin-e Khalk, an organization Tehran calls terrorists, causing seven fatalities plus 50 wounded, according to an Iraqi official release."

    "As a Jew," Debbie Wasserman, shouldn't attacks on encampments of persons alarm you?  Attacks carried out by government forces?  Shouldn't that bother you?  Or do use Nazi Germany allusions as rarely as you use soap and water?  There is no oil crisis, we need only figure out how to tap into all the oil on Debbie's face and in her hair and the term "energy crisis" will be a relic of the past.

    Liars supporting an attack on Syria say that a red line has been crossed?

    How many times is Nouri al-Maliki going to be allowed to attack the Ashraf community before your so-called 'humanitarian' concerns kick in?  Unlike Barack's claim that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has gassed (and killed) a community, there are no doubts as to what Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has done.  Despite giving his word to the US government at the end of 2008 that he would not attack the Ashraf community, he has repeatedly done so.  He has killed them repeatedly -- so much so that it could be argued the world's 'exit plan' for the Ashraf community is passage by bullet.

    Independent Catholic News reports today:

    A spokesman for Archbishop Vincent Nichols said: “The Iraqi government has a moral and legal duty to protect the residents of Camp Ashraf. The Baghdad authorities must ensure the safety of the residents to prevent any more violence being inflicted on them and to facilitate their swift resettlement in a third country, under international supervision.”
    The Anglican Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, said he was "troubled by reports of the latest attacks" - "and by news that Iraq has been denying the Ashraf residents the right to family visits and full access to proper medical treatment".
    Bishop Pritchard said that he would like to see United States' forces "take back responsibility for protecting Camp Ashraf".

    Yet Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hasn't said one word -- "as a Jew" or as a member of the US government, she's not said one word.  John Kerry hasn't said one word.  The US government has a legal obligation to the Ashraf community.  By international law, they are bound to secure the safety of these residents.  Barack cites no international law aspect to his desire to attack Syria because there is no such law.   And, get honest, there's no real humanitarian concern about Syria or the residents of Syria.

    The liars can't fight with facts so they make emotional appeals.  You see that on every level.  Marcia noted last night that Russian President Vladimir Putin rightly called out the lies John Kerry has been spouting off lately.  Today, Matthew Lee (AP) reports the official State Dept response to that: spokesperson Jen Psaki declared Kerry to be "a decorated combat veteran who has had more than words aimed at him."  Oh, alright then.

    What the hell does that have to do with whether or not he's a liar?  And, excuse me, but in the United States, roughly 40% of the population feels that "decorated combat veteran" Kerry lied about his Vietnam experiences, he is widely and publicly denounced by other veterans of that war, and didn't he toss ribbons of honor in a protest?  Yeah, he did.  So maybe next time Jen has no logical response to "Kerry lied," she can describe him as "a half-decorated combat veteran"?

    And please grasp how sad and disgusting Psaki's words are.  She is trying to shut down a discussion by gasping "combat veteran!"  Sorry, Jen, it's not a protective shield.

    More importantly, how dare the supposed diplomatic branch of the United States try to hide behind the Pentagon?  That's the best they can offer?  Well that's Barack's administration for you: The Worst  and The Dullest.

    And sadly, they can't even lie well.  Bully Boy Bush has them beat clearly.  Grasp the current administration is not just liars, they are bad liars.  John Glaser ( compares Kerry's lying to Congress to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's lies -- and no one in this administration ever gets punished for lying but damned if Barack doesn't go after truth tellers like whistle blowers Chelsea Manning and Ed Snowden and reporters like the New York Times' James Risen.   Former US House Rep Dennis Kucinich offers a piece on ten claims they are making that have not been backed up.  Here's the first one:

    The questions the Obama administration needs to answer before Congress can even consider voting on Syria:

    Claim #1. The administration claims a chemical weapon was used.

    The UN inspectors are still completing their independent evaluation.

    Who provided the physiological samples of sarin gas on which your evaluation is based? Were any other non-weaponized chemical agents discovered or sampled?

    Who from the United States was responsible for the chain of custody?

    Where was the laboratory analysis conducted?

    Were U.S. officials present during the analysis of the samples? Does your sample show military grade or lower grade sarin gas?

    Can you verify that your sample matches the exact composition of the alleged Syrian government composition?

    Dennis is out of Congress.  Sadly, 73-year-old Nancy Pelosi remains there.  Vast amounts of plastic surgery have obscured her age (though not made her look young or even younger).  They apparently have obscured her judgment as well.  David Jackson (USA Today) notes she gushed that Barack is one "tough hombre."

    We get it, Nance, no one sports a bigger strap-on dildo than you, you are the exception that proves Freud's laughable penis envy theory, we get it.  But as you praise Barack's Hombre Diplomacia grasp it's no different than the Cowboy Diplomacy of Bully Boy Bush which you used to call out.

    Like John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi is Catholic.  Vatican Radio reports, "Pope Francis renewed his appeal for peace in Syria and throughout the world on Wednesday, once again inviting Christians of every denomination, believers of every religious tradition and all people of good will to take part in the worldwide fast and vigil of prayer and penance for peace, which he has called for September 7th, the vigil of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, whom we venerate as Queen of Peace."  Independent Catholic News adds, "There will be prayers for peace in St Peter's Square and in the great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, this Saturday.  The Grand Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassou, spiritual leader of Sunni Islam, has welcomed the Pope's appeal and will be there praying and fasting for peace in his country. In an official letter sent,through the Apostolic Nunciature in Damascus, the Mufti said he is preparing to participate in the special pro-Syria day on September 7, and proposes organizing an interfaith meeting with the Hoiy See."  And AFP quotes the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Monsignor Mario Toso, declaring, "The Syria conflict has all the ingredients to explode into a war of global dimensions. The solution to Syria's problems is not in armed intervention. Violence will not decrease and there is a risk of a conflagration that extends to other countries."
    Many world leaders are in St. Petersburg today for the G-20.  Russian President Vladimir Putin is presiding.  Reuters notes, "Pope Francis, in a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the G20 conference, urged world leaders to "lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution" in Syria."  Vatican Radio has posted the letter in full and we'll include this section:

    From this standpoint, it is clear that, for the world’s peoples, armed conflicts are always a deliberate negation of international harmony, and create profound divisions and deep wounds which require many years to heal. Wars are a concrete refusal to pursue the great economic and social goals that the international community has set itself, as seen, for example, in the Millennium Development Goals. Unfortunately, the many armed conflicts which continue to afflict the world today present us daily with dramatic images of misery, hunger, illness and death. Without peace, there can be no form of economic development. Violence never begets peace, the necessary condition for development.
    The meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the twenty most powerful economies, with two-thirds of the world’s population and ninety per cent of global GDP, does not have international security as its principal purpose. Nevertheless, the meeting will surely not forget the situation in the Middle East and particularly in Syria. It is regrettable that, from the very beginning of the conflict in Syria, one-sided interests have prevailed and in fact hindered the search for a solution that would have avoided the senseless massacre now unfolding. The leaders of the G20 cannot remain indifferent to the dramatic situation of the beloved Syrian people which has lasted far too long, and even risks bringing greater suffering to a region bitterly tested by strife and needful of peace. To the leaders present, to each and every one, I make a heartfelt appeal for them to help find ways to overcome the conflicting positions and to lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution. Rather, let there be a renewed commitment to seek, with courage and determination, a peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation of the parties, unanimously supported by the international community. Moreover, all governments have the moral duty to do everything possible to ensure humanitarian assistance to those suffering because of the conflict, both within and beyond the country’s borders.

    Barack is attending the G-20 as well.  This spring, he was shunned at the G-8 (when it was group photo time, other leaders made a rush to walk in order not to be walking with Barack -- this was even evident in the photos the White House posted).  AFP reports today, "World leaders arrived Thursday for a dinner hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin where they would discuss the crisis in Syria, with US President Barack Obama showing up alone and well after the main group."  David Jackson and Zach Coleman (USA Today) report:

    President Obama renewed efforts Thursday to persuade global allies to back a military strike on Syria over the use of chemical weapons, a strategy he is also pushing with members of Congress in the United States.
    Attending a G-20 summit in Russia otherwise devoted to the global economy, Obama said before a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that he looked forward to "an extensive conversation" about Syria.
    That includes "our joint recognition that the use of chemical weapons in Syria is not only a tragedy but also a violation of international law that must be addressed," Obama said.
    No wonder they avoid him.  Yesterday, he tried to pretend his ridiculous red line was somehow the world's red line.  This was addressed on Jake Tapper's The Lead (CNN -- link is text and video):
    President Barack Obama argued Wednesday that any red line he drew against chemical weapons use in Syria was based on international norms, saying: "I didn't set a red line. The world set a red line."
    One year ago, in Agusut 2012, Obama said, "A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized ... That would change my calculus."
    "What he's trying to do is depersonalize this. He's come under a lot of criticism. People are saying it's your red line, you set it, now we have to take military strikes so you don't lose your credibility," said CNN's chief political analyst Gloria Borger. "In fact, it is his red line. He drew the red line, he spoke about it – the two are not mutually exclusive. It could be the world's and his. He is going to Congress asking for this military action. I think he owns the request," said Borger. "What he was trying to do is say to Republicans in particular, 'You don't need to do this for me. Take me out of this.'"
    And there is Iraq.  Yesterday Adam Schreck (AP) Tweeted:
    Krishnadev Calamur (NPR) looks at the region and how they view an attack on Syria.  We'll note the section on Iraq:

    Iraq has been careful to maintain neutrality in Syria, but its prime minister blamed the recent increase in violence on what was happening next door.
    "The internal situation in Syria is playing a major role with what's happening in Iraq," Nouri al-Maliki said .
    He was also critical of the proposed in Syria.
    "The military solution is a dead end that has nothing in it but the destruction of Syria," he said. "Nothing is obvious on the horizon other than destruction, catastrophe and a civil war that has no winner."
    Maliki previously would further destabilize the region.
    In recent years, Iraq has drawn closer to Iran, and, , has granted Iran access to its airspace to deliver weapons and fighters to Assad.
    It's worth pointing out that the Obama administration, in its attempt to make a case for military action in Syria, has insisted it , where the U.S. spent more than eight years until the withdrawal of troops in 2011.

     On this, Nouri's position is the position of a number of Iraqis.  But it is not the position of Iraq.  The KRG only recently made a statement to the effect of they will stay out of it.  The Kurds in Iraq generally speaking support the Kurds in Syria.  In Iraq, the Kurds have a semi-autonomous area.  In Syria, they do not.  The US-invasion of Iraq toppled the presidency of Saddam Hussein and his government which was seen as serving the Sunni population.  After the invasion, the (US-installed) Shi'ites took over.  They are the majority population in Iraq.  In Syria, it's the other side of the coin with an estimated 74% of the population being Sunni Muslim.  Some Sunnis in Iraq support the Sunnis in Syria and some Iraqi Sunnis cross the border to fight in the Syrian War.  (Some Iraqi Shi'ites also cross the border to fight in Syria's civil war.)

    The whole point here is that when you step away from leaders, you find a wider view and it's really simplistic to say: This is the Iraq view.

    NPR would have been better off presenting Nouri's view as Nouri's and noting that Moqtada al-Sadr and Ayad Allawi are among those in agreement with him.  In the Sadr bloc's statements made yesterday, the Sadr bloc specifically noted that there was a wide range of opinions re: Syria within the National Iraqi Alliance -- a Shi'ite alliance of various political groups including Moqtada's bloc, Nouri's State of Law,  Ibrahim al-Jaafari's National Reform Trend, Ahmad Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress, and Ammar al-Hakim's Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.
    Today, Tim Arango (New York Times) goes into more detail and facts than the NPR analysis did:

    Now that the United States is considering missile strikes on Syria, Iraqi Shiites like Abu Mohaned say they see history repeating itself -- even if across a border -- and they are prepared to once again take on a familiar adversary. If the United States strikes Syria, Iraqi Shiites will see it as their fight, too, and pour across the border to assist Mr. Assad, many people here said.
    “No honorable man will accept what the Americans want to do in Syria,” Abu Mohaned said, reflecting the view of Iraq’s Shiite majority who see any threat to Mr. Assad as an intervention on the side of a Sunni-led, Al Qaeda-aligned rebellion.
    It's a strong analysis which should be read in full.  Al Mada reports that the Iraqi Council for Peace and Solidarity issued a statement today saying a military strike on Syria would be harmful, would not restore order and, without UN approval, would be illegal.   It should also be noted that Iraq already has enough problems to address without a US attack on Syria.  Mashreq Abbas (Al-Monitor) observes:

    Here, in a country such as Iraq, there is talk of “dictatorial” solutions to the Iraqi crisis. This nation is dreaming of a savior — similar to Egyptian Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi — to stage a coup and bring the crises back to ground zero.
    On Aug. 31, some Iraqi state institutions were indirectly talking about a “dictatorship is the solution” hypothesis, even if masked by numerous national and democratic slogans.
    On this date, just hours before the start of protests across the country — organized by youth groups and calling on the government to cancel pensions for members of parliament and special rank civil servants — Iraq’s chief prosecutor issued a statement requesting that protesters postpone their movement until the security situation stabilizes.
    His statement included expressions such as: “postponing protests until times of safety and stability,” “a high sense of national responsibility to confront the growing terrorist threat backed by foreign states” and “whoever fails to fulfill his duty to protect Iraq, its people and properties will be thrown into the trash bin of history and will be cursed; no one will feel sorry for him.”
    This statement coincided with another issued by the Iraqi Interior Ministry for the same purpose. This last statement included even more threatening expressions such as warnings that Baathists and terrorists could infiltrate the protests.

    Kitabat reports that Basra is witnessing a series of assassinations and the targets are "peaceful Sunni men."  The weapons of choice are said to be guns with silencers.  The report states that government officials know of these assassinations, know who is behind them and yet turns a blind eye allowing the criminals to have no fears of punishment.
     The Vatican spoke out against war with Iraq as well.  No one in the administration seemed to concerned back then.  They probably won't now.  But were I a practicing Catholic, like John Kerry, I think the call from the Vatican would have some resonance.  When the head of your church/faith is calling for peace talks, how do you blow that off?

    Last night, Ruth weighed in on how Texas and Mississippi National Guard are at present not honoring marriage equality.  Senator Patty Murray serves on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee (and chaired it until becoming, this year, the Chair of the Senate Budget Committee).  Her office issued the following on the new order regarding the military and marriage equality:

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                            CONTACT: Murray Press Office
    Thursday, September 05, 2013                                                                               (202) 224-2834
    Senator Murray’s Statement on VA Benefits for Same-Sex Spouses
    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement after U.S. Attorney General Holder announced yesterday that President Obama has directed the Justice Department to stop enforcing Department of Veterans Affairs provisions which deny full access to spousal benefits for same-sex married couples:
    “This long-awaited move by the Obama Administration is a major step towards finally ensuring each of our heroes and their spouses receive the same quality care and services once they leave the military – no matter who they love. And after pressing Secretary Shinseki to expedite the process for dignified, same-sex burials in our national cemeteries, I am thrilled yesterday’s news will no longer force veterans to face uncertainty when mourning the loss of their spouse. Our veterans and their families, who selflessly served our nation and have given so much, will finally be afforded the benefits they have so rightly earned. This is not only a matter of fairness and equity, it is simply the right thing to do.”
    Meghan Roh
    Press Secretary | New Media Director
    Office of U.S. Senator Patty Murray
    Mobile: (202) 365-1235
    Office: (202) 224-2834
    RSS Feed for Senator Murray's office