Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Donald Chump and his scumbag supporters

Convicted Felon Donald Chump attracts all the insane criminals:

Pena is a supporter of former president Donald Trump, having been photographed at various Trump rallies and entertained his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.[7] Evidence from various online videos of the event indicate that he attended Trump's Stop the Steal rally at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, though there is no evidence he participated in the eventual breach of the building.[6] He is a registered Republican, having voted four times in previous elections.[3] At the time of his arrest, neighbors remarked that he would often squabble with them if they had political disagreements. He was known to install banners criticizing president Joe Biden in his lawn, including one that stated "Fuck Joe Biden" that the local homeowner's association ordered him to take down about a year before his arrest.[8]

Pena was also a follower of the LaRouche movement, having donated over $5,000 to their political action committee LaRouchePAC and having tabled for the group at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania.[9][10] In his resume, Pena included a link to a LaRouche manifesto.[11]

Pena is Solomon Pena.  He's back in the news today.  Deon J. Hampton (NBC NEWS) reports:

A failed Republican candidate was found guilty Wednesday of hiring people to shoot at the homes of local Democratic leaders after he lost an election for the New Mexico House of Representatives, according to his attorney and NBC affiliate KOB of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Solomon Peña, 41, was charged with multiple felonies, including three counts of solicitation to commit a crime of violence, three counts of using and carrying a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence and discharging the firearm, being a felon in possession of a firearm and conspiracy, according to a federal superseding indictment filed against him in U.S. District Court in Albuquerque.

A jury found him guilty on all counts Wednesday evening, according to his attorney, Nicholas T. Hart, and KOB.

He faces life in prison. A sentencing date has not been set. 

He should be in prison.  Back in prison.  He's a violent offender who never should have been released in the first place   He was in prison for 2009 to 2016 and, after gouging a man's eye out while in prison, he shouldn't have been released.

But MAGA idiots made him a candidate for Congress.  And he lost.  Cause he's a loser, a scumbag loser who is now headed back to prison.

Closing with C.I.'s "The snapshot:"

Wednesday, March 19, 2025.  Daily carnage in Gaza so where are the ones who told you not to vote for Kamala now?

This morning, Jason Burke (GUARDIAN) reports:

Israel has launched a fresh wave of airstrikes in Gaza on the second day of its resumed offensive in the devastated Palestinian territory.

The attacks were far less intensive than the massive strikes early on Tuesday morning, which killed more than 400 people and shattered the relative calm since a 19 January ceasefire paused the 18-month war.

Three people died in an Israeli airstrike on a house in the Sabra suburb in Gaza City, while another left two dead and wounded six others in the northern town of Beit Hanoun, Gaza health officials said.

Mahmud Bassal, a spokesperson for Gaza’s civil defence agency, put the death toll higher, saying that 13 people had been killed since midnight, including several in the city of Khan Younis in Gaza’s south.

Let's note Tabitha from yesterday.

And what does fatty think now?  Fatty's Samraa Luqman.  She's the 'activist' in the video above bragging about giving  her son the Donald Chump hat. 

Fatty was all over the media.  She was part of Norman Solomon's effort to destroy Joe Biden's chances at re-election, the group that morphed into an anti-Kamala Harris group when Biden dropped out.  In fact, fat and facially mutilated Samraa Luqman was the co-chair of Abandon Harris.  And strictly observant Muslim men in other countries made fun of her because of all those piercings on her face.  But she just knew best about everything. 

Remember, kids, it was DSA.  That's why I do not trust them.  They're Socialists who hide in political closets.  Rashida Tlaib is one.  They pose as Democrats for public view but they're Socialists.  Democratic Socialists of America.  They started in the early 80s and check those early years stories where they bragged to any outlet that would listen that they were going to be the new big party.  They were going to destroy the Democrats.  Not right then, you understand.  They needed ballot access.  So they'd run on the Democrats spots but they were going to change everything.  They had 20,000 across the country and it was going to be millions any day now. Over 45 years later, they're around 80,000 nationally so maybe given them another four decades and they'll finally crack one million voters -- which still wouldn't be enough to win a presidential election 

156,302,318 t is how many people voted in 2024's presidential election but while they can't elect a president, they can -- and did -- do their lying and whoring to make a worthy candidate not seem worth voting for.

Turnout is everything in an election.  And when the Dems have turnout on their side, they win.  So Chump only won because of the whores and liars, the tricksters -- the Amy Goodman freak show crowd.  

As Mike observed last night:

We could have had Kamala Harris.  She would have been a great president.  But DSA -- Democratic Socialists of America -- worked to defeat her.  Some DSAers hide in the Green Party and some hide in the Democratic Party.  But they are Socialists.  And they lied to people.  And that's how Chump got in the White House. If you're new to how DSA scammed the country, read C.I.'s "2024: The Year of Betrayal From Inside The Left." which addresses how Amy Goodman lied and worked to defeat Kamala.  And be sure to also read Ava and C.I.'s "Media: How Amy Goodman harmed immigrants and helped elect Chump."

We could have had Kamala.  But DSAers like Rashida Tlaib lied and whored and now we're stuck with Chump.  Now we're stuck waking up every morning to a new nightmare.

Be nice if at some point they could take accountability for what they did.

And until they do?  We won't trust them.

We don't trust them because they lie.  When Samraa was running in 2022 (and losing) against Alabas Farhat and Khalil Othman, she was public about being DSA.  But when it was time to tank Kamala, they didn't need DSA.  They needed people to believe they were Democrats because then the narrative was 'Democrats aren't supporting Kamala.'  Had the same media outlets told the truth and went with headlines like "Socialist aren't supporting Kamala," it wouldn't have had the same impact.  

And that's what led to Sarah Smith (BBC NEWS) writing junk like this in October of 2024:

I expected to hear some of them say they couldn’t vote for Harris, and would be sitting out the vote. But Samraa Luqman, who describes herself as further left than most Democrats, said she is not only voting Trump but is actively encouraging others to do so.

“I believe there has to be accountability for all the lives lost,” she told me. “I do not forgive the Democrats for it, and I will not be scared into voting for them.”

"Further left than most Democrats"?  Of course she is, she's a Socialist.  But BBC didn't do the work required and identified her as a Democrat in the photo accompanying their article.  November 1st, she got NPR coverage:

And across the cafe, Samraa Luqman, a Yemeni American community organizer, is ready to pick those votes up for Trump.

She said she met with former President Trump recently in Dearborn, where he made a promise to her to end the war. That stands in stark contrast to his public statements, in which he said Israel should “finish the job” and criticized Harris and Biden for calling for a cease-fire. At a rally for Trump just this weekend, speakers used racist and misogynistic rhetoric, including Rudy Giuliani. He demonized Palestinian toddlers, falsely claiming they are “taught to kill us at two years old.”

Asked why, despite this rhetoric, she believes Trump’s promise to end the war, Luqman says he’s more likely to do so than Harris.

“Believe him or not, if there is a 99% chance that Trump is going to continue the genocide and I have to weigh it against 100% chance that it's going to continue under Harris, I'm going to take the 99% chance,” she said. “The fact that there is that slight hope means that I need to go with the best thing for my people.”

And she’s not the only one making this calculation. This weekend, several prominent Arab and Muslim leaders endorsed Trump at a campaign rally in Michigan.

Luqman’s children are half-Palestinian, and this year of watching kids being killed is intolerable, she said. She blames the Biden administration and Harris directly for these deaths.

“It hurts a lot. That hurt has transformed into rage,” she said. “I will do everything in my power to ensure Harris loses. Whatever I can do. And, I’m still a Democrat.”

She sees this as a path to building real political power for a community that has over 200,000 votes in Michigan. For context, Trump won this state by about 11,000 votes in 2016 and Biden won by over 150,000 in 2020.

No, she wasn't a Democrat, she was a Socialist attempting to take over the Democratic Party.  A Democrat would never say of their own presidential nominee, "I will do everything in y power to ensure Harris loses."  A Socialists from DSA would.  It's the type of behavior Maurice Isserman denounced in his 2023 column for THE NATION entitled "Why I Just Quit DSA:"

And then suddenly, in the second decade of the 21st century, DSA had a growth spurt, not unlike SDS in the mid-1960s, bringing it belatedly to national political relevance. Tens of thousands of eager young recruits were energized by the 2016 presidential bid of democratic socialist Bernie Sanders (although Sanders was not a member of DSA), and the election to Congress of DSA members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib in 2018, joined by Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman in 2020.

Unlike my generation, for whom the overriding issue of the late 1960s was opposition to the war in Vietnam, most of DSA’s new members were attracted to the organization by its proposals for substantial, vital, and above all realizable domestic reforms (Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, student debt relief, tenants’ rights, etc). As a result, between 2016 and 2020 DSA’s membership expanded from 6,000 to 90,000-plus, while dropping the average age of members from 60-something to 20-something. Scores of new chapters opened up, including many located in cities and states that haven’t seen an active socialist presence since the era of Eugene Debs, if ever. And those young, energetic recruits proved remarkably politically savvy and successful in the field of electoral politics, not only elevating four members to Congress, but also sending nearly 200 others to state legislatures, city councils, and other offices, almost always as Democrats.

All well and good -- except for the return of the entryists. Suddenly, in the eyes of revolutionary purists in a host of small competing sects, DSA was no longer to be sneered at as just a reformist swamp. “Why rob banks?” career criminal Willie Sutton was once allegedly asked by a reporter. “Because that’s where the money is,” he replied. The exchange is apocryphal, but substitute warm bodies for cold cash, and it offers a concise explanation for DSA’s sudden attractiveness to sectarian strategists. Unknown numbers-- hundreds, perhaps more -- started joining in 2016, some of them former members of defunct Marxist-Leninist groups, others (in violation of DSA bylaws) still belonging to and carrying out the agendas of such groups. They proceeded to quarrel and compete among themselves, splitting and recombining under various banners like “Red Star,” “Marxist Unity Group,” and even the “Communist Caucus.” But they remained united in one overarching shared aim -- to take a well-meaning, not particularly well-organized, and essentially social democratic organization still committed in practice to the original DSA vision of creating “the left wing of the possible,” and reinvent it as the mass vanguard party of the proletariat that somehow they had never been able to pull off while operating under their own banners of deepest red.

DSA, meanwhile, thrived between 2016 and 2020—because it proved it could win victories in the here-and-now, give-and-take world of electoral politics. And that, ironically, was intolerable to the entryists (who preferred to refer to themselves as “partyists”), because they didn’t want socialists to remain as a wing of, or even a loyal opposition within the Democratic Party. They wanted a break, in the not terribly distant future, from the intolerable compromises required to appeal to mainstream voters and to compromise with mainstream politicians. And they also believed that DSA members elected to public office were, first and foremost, obliged to follow the positions adopted by the organization, rather than their constituents or their own conscience, as if they were already subordinate to the dictates of an old-fashioned Marxist-Leninist central committee.

At each of DSA’s biannual conventions in recent years, the sectarian caucuses (comprised of entryists and those they recruited) gained strength in the organization’s ruling body, the 16-member National Political Committee, until finally achieving a working majority in the August 2023 convention. There is a curious aspect to this influx of new leaders. Virtually nobody in the organization, outside the ranks of the various caucuses, knows who they are, or what they stand for. (DSA members, take this test. Go to this website, and see how many names you recognize, and of those you do know, how many can you assign to the caucus or viewpoint they represent?)

In the old days, everyone in DSA knew who Mike Harrington was and who Barbara Ehrenreich was and how they agreed upon or differed on organizational priorities. The same was true of other leaders in responsible positions in the old DSA, who tended to have long and public track records as organizers and writers. Whatever its shortcomings, there was nothing mysterious about the inner workings of DSA back then. Can the same be said today?

As the new hard-line caucuses gained influence, the issue of Palestine became ever more important in DSA’s internal political culture. In 1982, when DSA began, support for Labor Zionism was widespread in its ranks. But over the next several decades, the Labor Party faded as a political force in Israel to be replaced by right-wing Zionists, and the prospects for a “two-state” solution to the Palestinian question evaporated. I doubt if many DSAers today would describe themselves as Zionists of any stripe, although many (at least many of my acquaintance), remain committed to Israel’s right to exist as well as its right—within limits that it too often violates—to defend its national security. In any case, there are few if any DSAers, veterans as well as newcomers, who are not critics of Israel’s repressive policies in the West Bank and Gaza.

But that doesn’t account for the singularly important role of Palestine in DSA’s rather short list of international concerns, completely overshadowing the attention paid, for example, to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or to the rights of other oppressed peoples, like the Kurdish Muslims, or China’s Uyghur Muslims. Concern for Palestine, entirely legitimate in itself, also served other purposes for DSA’s new sectarian leadership, furnishing a convenient stick to beat DSA’s moderate wing if it wasn’t willing to embrace the most extreme positions on the Palestinian question—up to and including denying Israel’s right to continued existence.

Starting as far back as the 2017 national convention, chants of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” began to be heard at DSA gatherings, and support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel became a litmus test within the organization for political purity. For the sectarians, discrediting elected DSAers who fail that test helps to move the organization closer to the desired break with the Democratic Party. There was a serious push within DSA to sanction or even expel Representative Bowman for voting to approve US funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile-defense system, and for traveling to Israel in 2021 on a trip sponsored by the liberal Zionist (and pro-Palestinian rights) group J Street. (The effort failed, but Bowman quietly let his membership to DSA lapse in 2022—chalk one up for the “partyists.”)

The following sites updated: